Moving the BigFix Server install to another drive

We’ve begun to run into a situation where our BigFix install instance, installed on the C:\ drive (default location) is filling up the drive quickly (partially due to the number of deployments we run) - and now we’re about to add OS Deployment to our list of tasks for BigFix to do.

So I’m looking into the possibility of moving BigFix onto a drive dedicated specifically for it’s use alone.

I’ve checked through the forums and found a few posts that reference doing this (specifically here, here, and here - however, the link on that page isn’t working for me), as well as the instructions located on the IBM site: How to move the TEM Relay or TEM Server wwwroot directory to a different drive with more disk space

My question is, in regard to the IBM article, is this still a valid method? And secondly, do I only uninstall the IBM BigFix Server program from the server, or do I uninstall more than that from Programs and Features? I realize I’m being a bit paranoid, but my chief worry is uninstalling the BigFix Server and then losing everything.