BES Server Download Cache Location

Is there a way to change the default location of the BES download cache on the TEM server? Its currently set to “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\bfmirror\downloads”. I have seen multiple articles on this subject that are old and say the only way to do this is to reinstall the Bigfix server software. I am just wondering if that is the only option or if there is an easier way? Any info would be appreciated.

Here are links to similar topics on this subject.


We have attempted to use a couple ways to accomplish this, which did not work for our setup for whatever reason (still working on this). A symbolic link to a folder (sha1) on another local hard drive, and mounting a local hard drive as a folder (downloads folder) through Windows Disk Management tool. Like I said neither of these worked for us but I wonder if one of these could work for you, and please let me know if it does.

Thanks for your reply Isiadmin253. We have tried using a Symbolic link with some success in the past. As you mentioned this has not worked all the time and can result in download errors when deploying patching actions. We have tried the below command to setup the symlink. This only works when the drive that is being linked to is local to the BES Server (so cannot link to a network share or NAS device remotely). We recently tried setting up symlinks to every file in the Sha1 directory with some success, I just didn’t like that solution. Was hoping there was a way to avoid using the Symlinks.

Mklink /j " C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\bfmirror\downloads\sha1" p:\Sha1

I have suggested the symlink usage for Download Cache in the following way and it appears to work fine:

  • stop all bigfix services
  • mount your target volume as I: and not as I:\downloads with Disk Management Tool
  • create I:\downloads folder
  • copy all original and working ‘downloads’ content in I:\downloads
  • rename original ‘downloads’ folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\bfmirror\downloads.old
  • mklink “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\bfmirror\downloads” I:\downloads /D
  • restart all bigfix services

Hope this can help