Here’s a crude way of doing it: this session relevance lists out all the download links in all your subscribed bes sites, and appending the action ID, Fixlet ID, Fixlet Name, and site. It doesn’t try to combine identical download links though:
(((item 0 of it, item 1 of it) of (matches (regex "(http://\S+)") of scripts of it, content id of it) of actions whose (script type of it = "application/x-Fixlet-Windows-Shell") of it) , name of it, (id of it as string) , name of site of it) of fixlets of bes sites
Example Results from BES Support:
(, Action3 ), TROUBLESHOOTING: Run BES Client Diagnostics, 353, BES Support
(, Action3 ), TROUBLESHOOTING: Run BES Client Diagnostics, 353, BES Support
(, Action3 ), TROUBLESHOOTING: Run BES Client Diagnostics, 353, BES Support
(, Action1 ), Missing Office Web Components - BES Console - OWC XP/2003, 363, BES Support
(, Action2 ), Missing Office Web Components - BES Console - OWC XP/2003, 363, BES Support
(, Action1 ), Missing Office Web Components - BES Console - OWC XP, 364, BES Support
(, Action1 ), Missing DirectX - BES Console - DirectX 9.29, 367, BES Support
(, Action1 ), Reinstall BES Client Logging Service, 453, BES Support
(, Action1 ), Reinstall BES Client Logging Service, 453, BES Support
You can put them in an easier to read table with this, which will generate html:
table of concatenation " " of trs of (td of item 0 of item 0 of it & td of item 1 of item 0 of it & td of item 1 of it & td of item 2 of it & td of item 3 of it) of ((((item 0 of it, item 1 of it) of (matches (regex "(http://\S+)") of scripts of it, content id of it) of actions whose (script type of it = "application/x-Fixlet-Windows-Shell") of it) , name of it, (id of it as string) , name of site of it) of fixlets of bes sites)