What URL's does the BESServer need access to?

We have a need to whitelist all internet access from our BES Server. I’m trying to put together a list of all URL’s required to be fully functional. I found the post below helpful finding downloads in content.

I’m looking for a list of URL’s BigFix needs access to for functions like gathering, activating license during install, updating license after install, activating new sites, etc.

I found sync.bigfix.com seems to be the url used for gathering. Does anyone have a list of other URL’s required?

It depends a lot on what you’re trying to do with it. The BigFix server will download software from the original vendor sites, so it will vary based on what you want to do.

Windows patches?
Red Hat?
Third-party applications (Adobe, Firefox, etc.)?

Did you have a problem running the Session Relevance you quoted to build the list of download links?

No, that relevance works great. We have a list of urls for vendor pathing etc.

I’m looking for what urls are required for Bigfix Licensing, primarily.

As you’ve identified, sync.bigfix.com is used for site gathers, and for license activations/updates, it’d be gatherer.bigfix.com ( http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21590340 ).


For platform upgrades and for a lot of the other tools we provide, software.bigfix.com would also be needed