There are many groups which have implemented integrations between BigFix and Service Now so that data can be shared between them.
BigFix can give you information about the actual state of computers. Unless Service Now has some sort of agent, then it would need to get that info from something like BigFix otherwise Service Now would have the intended Inventory state, but not the actual state, which is rarely the same.
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- Removing Decommissioned Endpoints - ServiceNow
- Business Intelligence (BI) products & Big Fix - #7 by kestrel
- ENDED: BigFix User Group - Emeryville Oct. 22/2015 - #6 by mkearns
- BFI REST for importing into ServiceNow - need help with syntax
- Schedule BigFix export to CSV for ServiceNow
- Any way to execute SOAP query without username/password? - #5 by Aram
- Deliver Web Report to Sharepoint (automated) - #5 by jhearnsberger
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Presentation: BigFix_ServiceNow_UCSF.pdf (697.3 KB)