BigFix Inventory vs. ServiceNow

We are going to be implementing ServiceNow and we already have BigFix Inventory in place. I have really only sat in on some demos and pulled some material up online of ServiceNow but I would like to ask those in the forum who have both running, what are some advantages of having BigFix Inventory over ServiceNow. When it comes to integration, what are going to be some key fields that BFI contains that ServiceNow either cannot obtain or would be useless to put in the effort since BFI already has it.

Appreciate any help :slight_smile:

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Mag -

(on a plane and my GoGo internet will shutdown shortly… but let me try to get something out)

ServiceNow MIDI server does a pretty good job for the assets it discovers. however as we are all aware of is that BigFix is “near real time” in it’s ability to capture data. from the BFI stand point that means you get up to date info based on your scanning parameter (default once every 7 days). The data that you can augment into ServiceNow (the API is FREE !) is truly more then ServiceNow can offer you.

But there is information (if done correctly) that ServiceNow will have that BigFix does not (out of the box). Example

  1. BigFix knows your compliancy (if you put in contracts)
  2. BigFix knows your Usage
  3. ServiceNow knows (or should) User : XXXX manager is YYYY (bigfix does not)

Now, take the idea of software being over used, and BigFix knows the Endpoint, and user, BigFix also knows that software XXX has not been used in 3 months… Would you like to kick off a work flow to the MANAGER of User XX to inform them to purchase or authorize the removable of the software?

This is where the integration of BigFix into ServiceNow is cool (and one example of something I have done/ seen).

Sorry for the short reply… the Airline agent is telling me to shut down :wink:

There are many groups which have implemented integrations between BigFix and Service Now so that data can be shared between them.

BigFix can give you information about the actual state of computers. Unless Service Now has some sort of agent, then it would need to get that info from something like BigFix otherwise Service Now would have the intended Inventory state, but not the actual state, which is rarely the same.


Presentation: BigFix_ServiceNow_UCSF.pdf (697.3 KB)

CC: @JasonWalker @atlauren @mkearns @Aram

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