Report Available: Baseline Compliance by Computer Group

(imported topic written by Lee Wei)

color=#FF0000This report has been superseded by the one posted here:[/color]

This is a response to the request from this posting by TommyG.

It makes sense because now you can customize the report by collecting a group of Fixlets (not necessary Microsoft patch related) for reporting.

Please note BigFix recommends a baseline should have less than 250 or so components.

Lee Wei

1 Like

(imported comment written by gcibirch91)

Hi Lee Wei

This report looks great. Could i ask one request.

Is it possible to print this report and then have the actual fixlets that are missing under the relevant server? So instead of clicking on the server name and going to another page, the Server expands and shows which fixlets are missing…if possible having another expansion of fixlets installed?



(imported comment written by gcibirch91)


would also be good if this feature request was added to the report mspatch_compliance_by_computergroup as well?


(imported comment written by Lee Wei)


I have included the drilldown feature in the “Microsoft Patch Compliance by Computer Group” report.

Can you check it out and see if that is what you have in mind?

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by gcibirch91)

Hi Lee Wei

when you say drill down you mean double click on the server name and then gives you everything on that server inc properties etc?

What i am after is like a plus sign to expand, i.e. like expanding a folder. then have the ability to print that view off?

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Right now if you click on the number of missing patches, it will show you the list of Fixlets.

(imported comment written by gcibirch91)

Ok let me try again.

(imported comment written by gcibirch91)

Hi Lee Wei

The next page after clicking on the computername gives me too much info. Is there a way to customise this to show just patched and missing.

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)


Anything is possible, you just have to buy more tokens (peanuts) and feed this monkey.

I will make a note for the next iteration.

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by gcibirch91)

Hi Lee Wei

lol…thanks for this.

If its possible i can then go back to my boss with a possibility of a report that works for us.


(imported comment written by TommyG91)

Lee Wei, you are the BigFix god! This is totally awesome!

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I recommend this and Lee’s other reports be made a sticky.

Lee, any chance you can add drill down, as gcibirch mentioned, to this one like you did for Microsoft Patch Compliance by Computer Group?

Thanks again Lee!

(imported comment written by gcibirch91)

As I said rather than drill down into another page which gives too much info can we have the results expand underneath servers…nice quick report

(imported comment written by gcibirch91)


Any news on this. Going to our major test on this months patches and want to be able to do a report on this.



(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

This report has been superseded by the one posted here:

The new report is much faster with more features. I have changed the way the results are calculated yielding much performance improvement.

Please give it a try.

Lee Wei

Lee Wei,

The Baseline Compliance by computer Group report would solve a report request. The superseded report links are no longer valid. Can I get a copy of this report and or the superseded reports?

@jwgibson949, John, the reports that you probably already have should provide similar and better capabilities over the one here.

Schedulable Compliance by Computer

Interactive Fixlet Compliance by Computer Group Report

How do I add a baseline to the scheduled compliance report if need be. I reviewed the interactive compliance by computer group with the customer. They like the report, but they want it emailed . If removing the charts (interactive flash) from the report template , would that allow emailing of the report? If so can you provide some guidance on how to do that?

The scheduled compliance by computer report would may work but how would i add a baseline vs. the patches for windows site? The content in the interactive report however is what they would like.

With the Schedulable Compliance by Computer report, it uses the standard Web Reports filtering mechanism. So you can find Baselines using the “Content” and search by Name.

So I am having issues using the correct filter. Using the default , I change the site to master action site instead of Patches for Windows and I add filter for Content and select Name and is and Report for Baseline (name of the baseline) and I add source severity is Important. The result is no data and compliance is NaN% . even if I go back to site is patches for windows with the above I get the same results.