C3 Inventory
I know a lot of BigFix administrators prefer to fly solo but I wanted to introduce all of your to your new best friend, C3 Inventory! C3 Inventory covers a ton of cool content – take a look at our fixlets and analyses below, ask questions or feel free to contact me and don’t forget, it’s all free on [BigFix.Me] (https://bigfix.me/site/details/10400) and Github!
Fixlets on [BigFix.Me] (https://bigfix.me/site/details/10400) and Github!
The Fixlets in C3 cover a huge variety of tasks with a big focus on Dell, Administrative Access, and Automated Problem resolution. Included in C3 Inventory is also a Certificate Store Probe and a Secure Domain Join using encrypted parameters!
Config - Dell Command | Configure Wake on Lan - Disable - Windows (Usage Guide)
Config - Dell Command | Configure Wake on Lan - Enable - Windows (Usage Guide)
Config - Dell TPM - 2.0 downgrade to 1.2 - Windows
Invoke - Dell Command | Configure Probe - Windows (Usage Guide)
Invoke - Dell Command | Update Driver Probe - Windows (Usage Guide)
Invoke - Dell Command | Update Driver Update - Windows (Usage Guide)
Invoke - Gather Dell Warranty - Windows
Administrative Rights
Invoke - Add Current User to Administrators - Windows
Invoke - Add Current User to Administrators Temporarily - Windows (Usage Guide)
Invoke - Remove Current User from Administrators - Windows
Invoke - Remove Expired Users from Temporary Administrators- Windows (Usage Guide)
Automatic System Repair/Warnings
Invoke - Disk Cleanup - Windows
Invoke - Group Policy Refresh - Windows
Invoke - Kernel Kext Cache Reset - Mac
Invoke - Windows Update Troubleshooter - Windows
Invoke - WMI Repository Reset - Windows
Warning - Client clock is off by more than 5 minutes
Warning - Files exist in adobeTemp folder of System Drive - Windows
Warning - Files exist in Drivers folder of System Drive - Windows
Warning - Files exist in Logs folder of System Driver - Windows
Warning - Folder “Program” exists in Root of System Drive - Windows
Warning - Group Policy Preferences debug logging may be enabled
Warning - Group Policy Preferences debug tracing may be enabled
Warning - Group Policy Service debug logging may be enabled
Warning - Hosts files contains manually defined hosts - Win\Mac
Warning - Pagefile has non-default configuration - Windows
Warning - System ignores driver’s digital signature state - Windows
Warning - Update installation may cause WU reboot prompt
Warning - WMI is not responding to queries - Windows
Warning - WMI Repository is very large - Windows
Invoke - Certificate Store Probe - Windows (Usage Guide)
Invoke - Join Active Directory Domain - Windows
Analyses on [BigFix.Me] (https://bigfix.me/site/details/10400) and Github!
Apple Update - Mac
Applications - Java - Windows
Applications - Universal
Applications - Windows
BIOS - Dell - Windows (Usage Guide)
Certificates - Windows (Usage Guide)
CommVault - Windows
CorreLog - Windows
Dell Command | Update - Windows (Usage Guide)
Drivers - Windows
Event Log - Windows
Fonts - Win\Mac
Group Policy - Windows (Applied Group Policies, Current Domain Controller, Startup/Shutdown Scripts, Locally Applied Policies)
Groups - Windows (Covers all built-in Windows Group Memberships)
Hardware - Mac
Hardware - Universal
Hardware - Windows
Hibernation - Win\Mac
Hyper-V Guest - Windows (ID, VM Display Name, Physical Host Name)
Hyper-V Host - Windows (Virtual Switches, Virtual Machines)
Internet Explorer - Windows
Launch Daemons - Mac
Location - Mac (Longitude and Latitude)
Network - Hosts File - Universal
Network - Windows
NTP - Windows
Operating System - Mac
Operating System - Universal
Operating System - Unix
Operating System - Windows
Pagefile - Win\Mac
Pagefile - Windows
Pending Restart - Windows (BigFix Pending Restart Flags)
Printers - Mac
Printers - Windows
Processes - Universal
SCCM - Windows (Site Code, Installed Components, Approval State, etc)
Scheduled Tasks - Windows
Services - Universal
Services - Windows
Shares - Windows
SNMP - Windows (Communities and Permitted Managers)
Sockets - Universal (Listening and Established Connections)
Stability - Mac
Stability - Windows
Temporary Administrators - Windows (Usage Guide)
Time Machine - Mac
TPM - Windows
UEFI - Windows
Users - Win\Mac
Users - Windows
VMWare Guest - Windows (Guest ID, Drivers, Tools Version, State)
Volumes - Universal
VPN - Mac
VPN - Windows (Per-User and Per-Computer Connections)
Warranty - Dell - Windows
Windows Updates - Windows
WMI - Windows
For information on the C3 set of projects (and how to set it up with your BigFix Environment) please see the announcement post: C3 - Free BigFix Community Content Libraries This content is provided by the community, maintained by me and anyone who contributes to the repositories on github. This is not IBM provided or supported content.