Values of property by computer name

I’m hitting my head on this one. The results from this keep coming back as if I never put in the “whose” part of the hostname. How can I make this only show all of the property lines for just one machine?

unique values of (values of results of bes properties whose (name of it = "many row analysis" )) 
of (members of bes computer groups whose (name of it = "WIN Workstations"))
whose (hostname of it = "SOMENAMEHERE")

There’s not a ton of context on this which makes it difficult to figure out what’s going on but does this return the computer in question?

It looks like you’re trying to use the result from <bes property> of <bes computer> piece of session relevance?

In my experience (not sure how required each part is) this may need the BES Property to be wrapped in parenthesis and the BES Computer to be similarly wrapped.

Can you try something like this?

unique values of values of results of (bes properties whose (name of it = "BES Relay Installed Status")) of (members of bes computer groups whose (name of it = "My Computer Group")) whose (hostname of it = "FQDN")

Fair statement. OK, I have an analysis pulling back all of the objects in the administrator’s groups on the PCs. So there are obviously many lines in that analysis returned. The returns I’m getting show ALL of the properties for the admin group for ALL computers.

Even with your version of the query @strawgate, I get all groups/users for that analysis for all computers, even with hostname specified.

Looks like you just need to change results of to results from.

unique values of (values of results of bes properties whose (name of it = "many row analysis" )) of (members of bes computer groups whose (name of it = "WIN Workstations")) whose (hostname of it = "SOMENAMEHERE")

Essentially this turns into:

(values of results of bes properties) of bes computers

Which looks like it prints out all values of all results of the property on all computers once for each computer in the set. So in your case, you have one computer in your set so it’s printing out all the bes property results one time.

So your relevance should be:

unique values of values of results of (bes properties whose (name of it = "BES Relay Installed Status")) from (members of bes computer groups whose (name of it = "My Computer Group")) whose (hostname of it = "FQDN")

There are a few different ways to go about this. Somewhere around 6, give or take.

There are many different ways you could get a particular computer and a particular property, but once you have the relevance that returns the ones you are looking for, then you can put them together in many ways. Using members of bes computer groups is just another way to get a particular computer object to work from.

values of results from ( bes properties "ID" )  of bes computers whose( name of it = "BIGFIX")

values of results from ( bes computers whose(name of it = "BIGFIX") ) of bes properties "ID"

values of results ( bes properties "ID", bes computers whose( name of it = "BIGFIX") )

values of results ( bes computers whose( name of it = "BIGFIX"), bes properties "ID" )

values of property results whose("ID" = name of property of it) of bes computers whose( name of it = "BIGFIX")

values of results whose("BIGFIX" = name of computer of it) of bes properties "ID"

You can get a specific property, then get a specific results for a specific computer… or you can get a specific computer, then get a specific proeprty result from it. It should also be possible to get all the property results from a computer and then filter it to just the result you are looking for, or get the results from all computers from a specific property and then filter that for just the computer your interested in.



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That got me down the right path @jgstew :

unique values of values of results from ( bes properties "many row analysis" )  
of (members of bes computer groups whose (name of it = "WIN Workstations")) 
whose( name of it as uppercase starts with "SOMENAMEHERE")

@strawgate, thanks for all your help as well.

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