I’ve been reading a lot of troubleshooting threads for running executables silently, but nothing I’ve tried has worked so far.
I have an executable that was made with VB so when you try to run “setup.exe” via the command prompt, it will give you an error. After some research into silently installing these types of executables, I found that if I change it to run from the directory with its dependencies as “setup.exe -sc:\install.log” it will run silently and also drop a log file in c:\ where it says what it installed. I’ve tried running this via command prompt on several different machines now, and it installs silently perfectly and as expected each time.
Now comes my dilemma: getting it to work in Bigfix.
I uploaded the folder that has the setup.exe as well as the dependency files through the Manage Software Distribution and level 0 compression. When I made a task, I input just the setup.exe -sc:\install.log that has worked for me. Bigfix then creates the typical .bat action script but also throws in a .sh action script in there as well. Not necessarily sure why, but I tried running it anyways.
Currently, the status hangs on “Running” and won’t run the setup.exe like I’d want. I also tried testing out doing something like the following that also just hangs:
//**Begin Preparation Marker
// Download all specified files
begin prefetch block
add prefetch item name=81297E236C0F5D6C2A8C8140C1D4778B5528400F sha1=81297e236c0f5d6c2a8c8140c1d4778b5528400f size=8737438 url=SWDProtocol:// sha256=01542999700b53bb690dc1c1bac97ea14f2319aa2df4abd32eb415b8f8e62951
end prefetch block
// All SWD files will go into a folder in the clients __BESData folder. This folder gets cleared on every restart.
parameter “baseFolder” = “__Download/”
// Move files into subfolders and unescape file names
move “__Download/81297E236C0F5D6C2A8C8140C1D4778B5528400F” “__Download/compressedPackageData-201902041343.bftemp”
// extract any compressed files
extract “compressedPackageData-201902041343.bftemp” “{parameter “baseFolder”}”
waithidden __Download\setup.exe -sc:\install.log
I’m able to cd to that directory and run the setup.exe with the -sc:\install.log as expected, but for some reason I can’t get it to work within BigFix. Thoughts?