Now that SHA2 signatures are supported by the platform, are there updated tools and processes to take advantage of SHA2? There is a SHA1.exe, is there a SHA2.exe counterpart? If so, does anyone know the link to it?
Are there plans to integrate SHA2 into the right-click tool?
Are there plans to update the software distribution wizard to allow the choice of SHA1, SHA2, or both?
There are no plans to make a new executable at this point. You can use the FixletDebugger/QnA to do this for you though which is what I did
Just put all the files you want to make prefetch statements for in a directory and run:
("prefetch " & (name of it as string) & " sha1:" & (sha1 of it as string) & " size:" & (size of it as string) & " <url> sha256:" & (sha2_256 of it as string)) of files of folder "C:\MakePrefetch"
Then replace the url placeholder with the URL of the file and you’re done.