Firstly let me start by saying I am a new user (the guy who ran our estate has left and I’ve been putting off running this for ages, but now I need to do some basic software deployment (I know failing at the first hurdle)
hoping someone can help, I am trying to create a new package for deployment, a fairly simple install of IE11 from a .exe file.
I have created the package, but when I manage files and add the executable I constantly get the “yellow warning !” I have continued and created a deployment task but still the file never completes uploading (I have tried another .exe file and another job using the 32 bit version of IE11, however I still end up with the same result)
I have optimistically tried pushing the application thinking it needs to download once the job has been run, however that runs but never finishes or never fails and claims download pending.
which I presume is connected to the file not uploading fully, however I did google this and checked the software distribution plugin has been installed - I removed it and re-added it and this seemed to fix some old jobs that were in warning state (which is good) but doesn’t help with a new job.
I have found another thread here which suggests a number of fixes, the most likely seeming to be a TEMupload maintenance service, however this has been mark as not relevant on my BES Server, I believe this is due to an upgrade that was done and the old component hasn’t been upgrade successfully, however there doesn’t appear to be a method to remove and re-add as the new one hasn’t been added.
Your problem is probably related to Antivirus overloading OS hosting IEM server. I had the similar issue. I created a script that copies files manually. It basically creates folders and files under that path: drive letter:BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\Uploads\
A PMR here is certainly warranted. They’ll likely suggest the same, but there are a number of log files that can be helpful in troubleshooting this scenario:
on the machine running the Console, check the upload logs under: %temp%\SoftwareDistributionLogs\Uploadmanager
on the Root Server, check the Upload Maintenance Service logs under: …\BES Server\Applications\Logs
Thanks Aram for the suggestions, I am reviewing the logs and the IBM/BigFix team are aiding me get this fixed, seems there is a database issue / connection issue as it states a problem:
Could not connect to DSN: bes_bfenterpriseusing username: -sapassword
The strange thing is that there are no system DSN’s configured at all, unless perhaps they are done through a registry setting!
I have looked at the uploads they are there, but it claims they didn’t finish uploading… more investigation needed I feel.
If the uploads are making it to the Root Server, the issue is likely with the Upload Maintenance Service not being able to update the database (which the Console needs to recognize that the upload completed successfully). The connection issue to the database is certainly suspect (seems to be an authentication issue?).
Regarding the DSNs, depending on the version of IEM, it is likely defined within the 32-bit ODBC (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe).
We’re on IEM version, I’ve found the ODBC stuff and it’s all configured correctly.
Not sure 100% if ODBC should be used, I referred to This refence guide and it indicated that to use NT Authentication (we’re on a remote SQL server) then ODBC wasn’t needed, although I can’t be 100% sure.
The only other thing I cant seem to track down is where the SQL information is stored (some form of config file I guess - still waiting for support to confirm this either way) so unfortunately I cant check if this is the case.
The other thing suggested was to try the SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION DASHBOARD service which I cant seem to track down!
ODBC is leveraged either way as the method to configure database connectivity. It will determine whether or not NT or SQL authentication is used (along with which database and server to connect to). If the ODBC System DSN is configured to leverage NT authentication, you must run the BES Server Plugin service under an account (typically domain/service account) that has access to the remote database (likely the same account that is leveraged for Root Server/FillDB/GatherDB if they too are using NT auth).
Replying for completeness (in case anyone else follows this thread for an answer) the problem stemmed from a badly upgraded system (previous sys admin) the fix (annoyingly) was a completely new server installation and masthead migration for all clients.