Schedule repeating automated reboot with Bigfix

Is it possible to create a repeating automatic reboot of a set of servers in Bigfix? I have a Powershell script that works well on one server at a time. but to schedule it to run every other month via Bigfix is the trick that I need help wiht.

Thanks in advance,

Yes, I do that with some of our servers. Targeting auto group and going based off of AD groups to move things in to reboot schedules. I have a reboot fixlet with the below relevance.
uptime of operating system > 120*minute

Action script is
restart 0

I target the automatic group and have the task repeat on the days we want, and set it to run during a 30 min window, and reapplying when relevant again.

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Thanks for the reply. What I’m really trying to do though is to restart this group of servers every other month. But your suggestion might work. Care to elaborate?


One option might be to add relevance to the Reboot Fixlet described by @Jgregory that looks something like:

current month as integer mod 2 = 0

This would be relevant on ‘even’ months and not relevant on ‘odd’ months (you could switch it around if you wanted by changing the above mod 2 = 0 to mod 2 = 1).

Q: current month as integer
A: 7

Q: current month as integer mod 2 = 0
A: False

Q: (it mod 2 = 0) of (1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12)
A: False
A: True
A: False
A: True
A: False
A: True
A: False
A: True
A: False
A: True
A: False
A: True


A post was split to a new topic: Daily reboot - Linux

A post was merged into an existing topic: Daily reboot - Linux