Rest: How to assign computers to an operator

(imported topic written by JesperLarsen)

Hi Group

In the Endpoint Manager Console I can assign computers to an operator for that operator to manage. I suppose this is done under the hood by a relevence query. (see attached image).

My question is: How do I do this, using the REST API? The API does not seem to have any way of qualifying the affected computers or set the computers by a relevance query anywhere?

Kind regards Jesper

(imported comment written by BrianFulton)

Unfortunately, the current implementation of the REST API does not support computer assignments. Support for this will be added in a future release.

(imported comment written by JesperLarsen)

Can I vote for this feature anywhere? … yes i can…

(imported comment written by JoeGasper)

Coming up on a year… The lack of full role/user management is a serious failure in the API and the use of this in a distributed enterprise environment (hundreds of roles required). Great I can create a role, but since you can’t assign computers, it’s not useful.

(imported comment written by jgstew)

I agree, this is a pain point for us as well.