Operator by computer assignment


I am trying to get list of all operator with their computer assignment details, is there any API path available for it to get.

There is a similar post but didnt think its moved ahead.


The REST API has improved since 2014. I think the method you are seeking is documented here


then iterate through the returned operator names with

operator/{operator name}/roles

Thanks @brolly33 but its still not updated for Computer assignment.

I am able to get operators details but they are missing computer assignment details.

It is there, but you have to iterate/drill for it. I hope the attached screenshots help.
Red box to Green box is for the directly assigned computer assignment rights rule (not by role)
Orange Box to Yellow Box is for Role based computer assignment rule.


hmmm got it but you are fetching operator based on the role and calling results for single operator but in my case I dont have roles for many operators & I cant call details for single operator for their computer assignment as I have 100+ operators.

I am doing API Call as get operators >> outfile.xml it has no computer assignment.

Is there any way to get computer assignment for all operators.

You’ll need to loop through each operator to get it’s details. I’d suggest a batch file, or better yet, a higher-level scripting language such as Python or PowerShell for a task like that.


that I already did & was able to get that :slight_smile: Thx

@brolly33 @JasonWalker - Now since I am able to create XML file with all operators huge info but want to convert them into CSV.

Is there any easy way to convert it, I dont want to go with any online or open source tool but I did found BFExtractToCSV utility but I guess that also required some more relevance call for generating the data huuffff :frowning:

There’s probably not a direct representation of what you’re trying to do, so … you’d have to build the CSV yourself I think.

Consider, if an operator had rights assigned through a property, a computer group, and a role…should those be three columns, or entries in one column? What if there were multiple properties, should those be multiple columns or appended together? Does it make a difference whether the multiple properties are specifed with “All of the following conditions” vs “Any of the following conditions”?

There’s not a direct relationship to CSV because it’s not 2x2 data, there can be multiple “dimensions”.

That said, I’m not sure what scripting language you’re using but you could, I think, pretty easily retrieve XML node values and handle them however you’d want.

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