For testing Session Relevance queries, I’d recommend using the Web Reports QNA page as described at QNA in Web Reports
URL: https://<reportsserver>/webreports?page=QNA
I don’t see a problem with the query itself and it returns correct results for me, but try it out in the QNA page to be sure in your deployment. Once you are certain the query gets correct results, I’d check whether whatever tool you’re running to send the query through the API is properly URL-encoding the query (i.e. replacing " with %22, spaces with %20, etc.) Often the URL-encoding is done automatically, but it depends on how you’re sending the query.
Hi Jason,
thank you for your hint.
Apparently, I found what is wrong, but still do not know, how to fix it.
The part of relevance listing computers is ok, but the part listing fixlets does not work.
Query returns only fixlets in the Master Site, Fixlets from other sites are not available.
Using the BFAdmin master admin for QNA login, as well as BigFix Console login.
The problem is, what I can see in BigFix Console, is not visible through QNA or through REST API call.
Any idea ?
Are you using the same operator account for the API as you are for the Console? I think it’s likely you need to assign “Read” rights on the sites for whichever account you are using for the API queries.
So I understand this correctly, you are not getting any fixlet results in both the Web Reports QNA page, and in the REST API, correct?
You may need to open a support incident, but there are a few queries I’d like to try in the Web Reports QNA page. Are you getting expected results for these?
Q: number of bes sites
q: names of bes sites
q: (number of subscribed computers of it, number of fixlets of it, name of it) of bes sites
A: 4238, 2298, BES Support
A: 3127, 18377, Enterprise Security
q: (number of subscribed computers of it, number of fixlets whose (fixlet flag of it) of it, name of it) of bes sites
A: 4238, 1855, BES Support
A: 3127, 18309, Enterprise Security
Are you running any special configurations - like DSA, or a Web Reports gathering from two different BigFix deployments, or anything like that?