QNA in Web Reports

Web Reports has a session relevance QNA tool. So you can test session relevance without having to use a console presentation debugger or the session relevance tester.



Very Cool to have that available from the Web Reports site, any easy way to export the results to a CSV? I ran a simple query on the machines getting computer name, computer ID, and Last Logged In User but the results add the A: to all the lines.

The reason I ask is that I currently use the Excel Connector but we have transitioned to Google and have not seen a way to get this to work in Sheets. If they pull the rug on Excel I would like to have this functionality to get it to a CSV and that will open with Sheets.

Example of the results

Q: (name of computer of it| “n/a”, id of computer of it, (if (exists value of it) then (values of it) else (“No Value”))) of results of BES Property "Last Logged in User"
A: Computer1, 598, N/A
A: Computer2, 688, UserName

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how about the follwing

(concatenations "," of (it as string)) of (name of computer of it| "n/a", id of computer of it, (if (exists value of it) then (values of it) else ("No Value"))) 

The relevance statement itself is not the issue, its the A: added to each line of results. Updating the statement to include what you put did not change the result. I was just thinking it would be nice to have the ability to export the results into Google Sheets/Open Office/Libre Office to get the same effect as the Excel Connector without having to have Excel on the machine. Granted a Find and Replace of A: does the same thing

You can get rid of the A: by concatenating all of the results with a newline character. I’m not sure if it needs to be the html BR tag, or the % encoded ascii newline characters, but something like this:

concatenations "</br>" of (concatenations "," of (it as string)) of (name of computer of it| "n/a", id of computer of it, (if (exists value of it) then (values of it) else ("No Value")))

Using newline (%0A) gives me a line per item with only the first line having the A:

Q: concatenations "%0A" of (it as string) of (name of it, id of it) of bes computers
A: computer1, 2345
computer2, 6789

I could cut this from web reports and paste into excel getting one line per item and using the paste/import wizard to do the comma delimit processing.

From a quick test with google sheets I couldn’t get the cvs to paste into columns.

For google sheets I used tab (%09) separated, and removed the , from the items in the name of it, id of it using a & to concatenate the results. This works quicker for cut and paste into excel too.

concatenations "%0A" of (name of it as string & "%09" & id of it as string) of bes computers

The tab option is perfect, but for the CSV option, you could paste it into a CSV file and then open that in excel or sheets and that should work. In either case the tab option is faster.