Report Available: Fixlet Compliance by Computer Group

Hi Leewei,

I am not accessing files under ext and getting message as “Unable to connect” on Firefix Browser after entering the below url as suggestedby you



@RiyazBasha. Web Report is a web server with the following directory (drive letter might be different) as the root directory.
C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\

With a proper installation, we should see a directory like the following
C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\ext-3.2.0

So a proper test URL should be:

Thanks for the reply Leewei,

I am trying like this

http://C:\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\ext-3.2.0:52312/ext-all.js

still same error.

@RiyazBasha, your URL does not look right.

What is the Web Reports URL that you use?
For example, if it is:

Then the correct URL to test is:

Do you have this directory on your server?
C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\ext-3.2.0


without adding 52311 port on URL it’s working fine and displayed like below


  • Ext JS Library 3.2.0
  • Copyright© 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
    Ext.DomHelper=function(){var s=null,j=/^(?:br|frame|hr|img|input|link|meta|range|spacer|wbr|area|param|col)$/i,l=/^table|tbody|tr|td$/i,p,m=“afterbegin”,n=“afterend”,c=“beforebegin”,o=“beforeend”,a="",h="
    ",b=a+"",i=""+h,k=b+"",r=""+i;function g(x,z,y,A,v,t){var u=p.insertHtml(A,Ext.getDom(x),q(z));return y?Ext.get(u,true):u}function q(A){var v="",u,z,y,t,B;if(Ext.isString(A)){v=A}else{if(Ext.isArray(A)){for(var x=0;x<A.length;x++){if(A[x]){v+=q(A[x])}}}else{v+="<"+(A.tag=A.tag||“div”);Ext.iterate(A,function(C,D){if(!/tag|children|cn|html$/i.test©){if(Ext.isObject(D)){v+=" “+C+’=”’;Ext.iterate(D,function(F,E){v+=F+":"+E+";"});v+=’"’}else{v+=" “+({cls:“class”,htmlFor:“for”}[C]||C)+’=”’+D+’"’}}});if(j.test(A.tag)){v+="/>"}else{v+=">";if((B=A.children||{v+=q(B)}else{if(A.html){v+=A.html}}v+="</"+A.tag+">"}}}return v}function e(B,y,x,z){s.innerHTML=[y,x,z].join("");var t=-1,v=s,u;while(++t<B){v=v.firstChild}if(u=v.nextSibling){var A=document.createDocumentFragment();while(v){u=v.nextSibling;A.appendChild(v);v=u}v=A}return v}function d(t,u,x,v){var y,z;s=s||document.createElement(“div”);if(t==“td”&&(u==m||u==o)||!/td|tr|tbody/i.test(t)&&(u==c||u==n)){return}z=u==c?x:u==n?x.nextSibling:u==m?x.firstChild:null;if(u

i have few queries

  1. Why without adding port query worked
    2)Can you please help me with usage of Fixlet Compliance by Computer Group Doc. if you have any? and
    3)Did you released v2.0 Fixlet Compliance by Computer Group?if so,provide me direct link todownload
    4)can we use both v1.7 and 2.0 Fixlet Compliance by Computer Group ?



  1. What is the error and symptom that you are getting? The port to access Web Reports is dependent on your installation. Sorry that I don’t remember what error you are getting.
  2. I assume that you have seen this wiki page:!/wiki/Tivoli%20Endpoint%20Manager/page/Interactive%20Fixlet%20Compliance%20by%20Computer%20Group%20Report
  3. Please use release 1.7 which is the most current. v2.0 was only created because to get around a change in Web Reports which was subsequently fixed.
  4. Yes you can use whichever works. There are no functional difference.


  1. i am getting ‘Server not found’ error while i am trying with port number on url but i try with out keeping port number on the url it’s giving output

Dear Leewei,

I need few clarification about Remediated computer count calculation, Is there any key value available in API/DB to find out these are all the fixlets remediated for this computer?

Thanks & Regards
Vicky R

@vikki, if I understand the question… the Remediated computer count column is a calculated field based on all the Fixlets found to have that status.

Hi Lee Wei,

Thanks for report, I had installed BigFix 9.5.11. When i access webreport using above custom reports using firefox v 67 javascript is enable. But unable to see graph or chart in report.

Attach reprot as sample.

What is that blocked plugin icon on rhe browser bar? Flash?

Did you get ant response? Im having the same issue…Im not able to see any charts on any browsers.

On version using the latest Firefox

As Flash is being deprecated, you’ll see this more often. However, you should be able to open the plugin settings on the browser and allow Flash to run, assuming Flash is installed on the system where you’re running the report.

Is there a way to get this report now the developerworks site has been shut down?

Hi Team,

I had this report provided by one of my colleauge but when I am trying to import it it always stuck in loading in web report. could any one help me on this.

I any one want I can upload the java scfipt and beswrpt file which i am importing and using.

Kindy help me on this please.


were you able to get this report and if yes is it working fine for you ??

Hi @leewei,

Is there a way to get the Patch report of last month lets say for August 2020 through Fixlet group V2 on certain group of computers?
If we can do though relevance can you help me with the relevance?

Thank you,


@leewei is there a downloadable link available currently for the Compliance Report considering the old links are no longer acccessible?

Sorry that I don’t know where the HCL team might have moved the download links.

1 Like

They’ve been added to the BigFix Wiki at HCL:

Schedulable Compliance by Computer or Content Reports

Interactive Fixlet Compliance by Computer Group Report

Interactive Fixlet Compliance by Content Report

Scroll to the bottom of each page and look for the Attachments link.