Outdated Mac Custom Client Config Page

The instructions on this page are outdated.


The instructions say to open the installer package and put the config file into it. You can not do that to the pkg as it is a flat file.

Does anybody have updated documentation for how this works? Do we have to do an RFE for IBM to update their documentation?

I have not created an RFE for this. We’re currently updating our packages with a custom pre/postinstall script and other files. To do this, we’re using pkgutil:

pkgutil --expand Vanilla.pkg OutputFolder

We add in our custom files and scripts, then create a package from the OutputFolder:

pkgutil --flatten OutputFolder Updated.pkg

We have python code to do this automatically, but it contains some org specific code. Let me know if you’re interested in a paired down version.

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Thanks Rusty. I’m fortunate enough to be a recovering Mac Admin so this all makes sense.

I would love a paired down version, especially if it is automated!


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Here’s the trimmed down script. You can supply custom pre/post install scripts, customsettings, brand, and/or actionsite in an ModiefiedFiles directory. They will get placed in the new package: