New forum!

(imported topic written by BenKus)

Hi everyone,

On 12/8/11, we completed our transition from our old PunBB forum software ( to the IBM forum software (, which is much nicer in many ways.

Everything from the old forum should be migrated to the new forum (including posts, attachments, and users). All previous active BigFix forum users should have gotten an email explaining how to login to the new IBM forum.

The new forum seems to have many benefits:

  • Looks better (IMHO)
  • Easier to see what posts are new (it was very hard to figure it out in the old software)
  • Better attachment support
  • Better RSS support
  • Better anti-spam controls
  • Easier to admin for us
  • “Mark thread as Question” feature – seems neat
  • Probably more…

I haven’t found a big downside yet (other than need to learn the new markup language).

Share your thoughts on the new forum?


(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)


And… hope everyone notices the new markup.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Note that if your display name was already registered as a developerworks user (with a different email address than your BigFix forum email address), then your display user name was changed during the migration.

You can easily change your username in the forum account settings.


(imported comment written by MattBoyd)


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Here was the previous announcement thread…


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Feel free to post comments on the new forum…

Personally, I like it better… although I became quite bitter and frustrated at our repeated attachment and spam issues so maybe I am biased…

One thing that I don’t like is that we weren’t able to linkify all urls from our previous forum, but that seems a relatively small issue overall…


(imported comment written by cstoneba)

has anyone experienced any issues with viewing the new forum in IE? It shows fine with chrome and FF, but when I view it with IE9, it is really really small (so small I can’t even view the words). My IE works fine for other sites.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Using IE9 32bit on W7 64 bit. Looking good so far!

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

I’d attach a screenshot, but i don’t see where to submit an attachment.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I actually can’t use the “Insert a Link” button in the toolbar either.

Slightly funny: When you log into developer works, it states the preferred browser is IE7 :slight_smile:

I do like the new look and feel of the forums so far though - minus no spell check again :S

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Oops… Looks like attachments were disabled… They are enabled now…

Thanks for the note…


(imported comment written by cstoneba)

Much better. Thanks Ben. Attached is my small IE9 window.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Thanks, cstoneba… I had IBM send you some glasses to your registered address… Hope that helps… just kidding :)…

If you make the font bigger (I usually hold CTRL and scroll the mouse wheel), does it help? and does it affect your other pages?

I just tried IE9, Chrome, and Firefox 8.0.1 and they are all working fine for me…

I think a couple people said that they couldn’t login properly (it just stayed as Guest) and after they tried to login, the forums got very slow… We are trying to figure this out…



(imported comment written by cstoneba)

nice. they better be nice ones.

ctrl+scroll works, but it zooms all the page contents in as expected, which is not good. It has to be something with how IE is rendering that frame, because all the page banners are showing as normal. I’ll try and figure something out.

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

small text issue has been resolved by running IE9 for this site in Compatability Mode.

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

If you click

Watch List

you will get to a page that let’s you “always watch my posts” and also has a “my questions” link to the right.

That will only work for posts created after the transition to the new forum. Not sure if there is a way to do this for old posts… probably not.

(imported comment written by USMC175)

Were all old posts from the PunBB site migrated to the dWForum?

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

Yes, all the old threads and posts were moved over. However, we consolidated a few categories.

BES Customizations and BES Deployments were merged into TEM Deployment and Configuration

Most of the lightly-used General Discussion forums were merged into TEM General Discussion

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

Whoops. Error. I meant to write:

BES Performance Tuning and BES Deployments were merged into TEM Deployment and Configuration

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I am not a big fan of the search so far. Unless I am missing something, I cant search just the TEM content, but can only filter by Tivoli Software?

I hope I am missing something, becasue it has been frustrating so far.