New forum!

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey weberch,

We are in the process of reviving our functionality, which can search all our BigFix forums, wiki pages, etc… Unfortunately, we had a hardware failure that (seemingly randomly) occurred during this migration so the search is down temporarily… We should have that back soon…


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Any news on the search? It seems pretty non functional at the moment. I tried a search in the TEM Deployment and Configuration for “clientsettings.cfg” (it is in the title of a post on the initial page of TEM Deployment and Configuration) and all I get back is

developerWorks search results for forums

No search results for " clientsettings.cfg ". You should try a less restrictive search.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey folks,

Apparently during the migration, some users seemed to have a mangled configuration… If you are one of these users, problems include:

  • When you login, it still says you are “Guest”
  • When you try to login, things get very slow (like many seconds or minutes to load a page)
  • Some urls don’t work and give 404 or redirection errors

If you experienced a problem like these, we apologize and are fixing the issue… I will post here when it is resolved…



(imported comment written by USMC175)

How does one ‘Show your posts’ in this new forum? In the old forum, there was a link in the bottom left corner…

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Here is some info about the recent migration of the forum (and other systems):

Also, here is some info about some of the recent outages (sorry about those):

The issues with the Forum logins should be resolved now… If you still can’t login (it says “Guest” after you try) or if the forum is very slow to load after you try to login, please email me and we can fix you.

Thanks and sorry for the migration troubles,


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Is there a way to “List All Unread Messages” like on the old forum?

What about editing your message? I can’t seem to do that either.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

On the topic of unread messages, I think this forum is way better than PunBB…

What I did was “mark all threads read” and then whenever I login, it has a little orange ball next to what I haven’t read yet… Pretty convenient…

Still working on our search problem… But our old search appliance is indexing our forums (and I think it is a better search mechanism anyway):


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I am having issues with the search too. Cant search within a category. Is this by Design? Is there any way to just search in the TEM forum only?

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

We’re asking around about it, does seem broken (or just turned off or not indexed?)… however, there is very nice workaround.

Go to and pick the Forum as a search target. It will search the new developerWorks forum.