Linux server doesn't report to BigFix

Dear all,

I am trying to add a Linux server to the BigFix console. The server has the agent installed and the connectivity on port 52311 is open, both TCP and UDP. The only catch in this case is that the Windows relay server to which the Linux server connects to uses a NAT IP. We have added the NAT IP of the Windows relay server to the Linux /etc/hosts file. Yet, it shows the same error:

FAILED to Synchronize - General transport failure. - SOCKET RECEIVE (winsock error 4294967286 - gather url - http://XXXXXXXXXXXX:52311/cgi-bin/bfenterprise/BESGatherMirror.exe?url=http://XXXXXXX:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite&Time=22May13:08:50&rand=29c8dc91&ManyVersionSha1=da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance,

I would recommend searching this forum for that specific error; there’s a couple other topics on this

Dear mwolff,

Thank you for your quicke reply. Actually, I had already seen those two threads but none of the solutions applied solved our case. Have checked both TCP and UDP connectivity, have checked DNS entries (and reverse), have reset the Relay… Still no progress.

Is there anything else I can try?

Best regards,

Understand that unless you have deployed custom client settings to your Linux client using a clientsettings.config method, the client’s first registration needs to go to the root server, not a relay. At initial install time, your client does not have a list of relays.

When installing the client, there are several settings that can manage initial registration - see!/wiki/Tivoli+Endpoint+Manager/page/Configuration+Settings , particularly RelayServer1, RelayServer2, and FailoverRelayList.

As you’ve already installed, you could manually edit the client settings to apply these; but if this is a one-off case and you’re already editing your hosts file, the easiest thing might be to edit your hosts file again, and assign your root server name to the public IP address of your relay. Your client will register to the relay, thinking that it is talking to the root server.

Dear Jason,

Thank you for your reply. Actually, we are using the clientsettings.config file as you are mentioning, so the Linux end point reports directly to the Windows relay server and not the BigFix Management one. RelayServer1, RelayServer2 and FailOverRelayList values are already set to the corresponding relays.

The network connectivity between the BigFix management server and the Linux machine is not open.

I have to mention that this architecture works for the rest of our servers that do not use the NAT IP.

Have you checked ICMP connectivity as well? Client won’t select a relay that it can’t ping

Actually, if all pings are blocked, it should still try to register using the FailoverRelayList entries.