Anybody know why IBM would not include Firefox in the Updates for Mac Applications?
IBM only provides fixlets for Adobe and Microsoft inside of the Updates for Mac Applications site. But for Windows they are offer Adobe, Apple, BigFix, Google, ImgBurn, Microsoft, Mozilla, Notepad++, Nullsoft, Oracle, Real Networks, Skype, Sun & WinZip.
Doesn’t it seem odd that Mozilla and Google isn’t included in the Mac list?
Has this ever been brought up to IBM or in the forum?
it would be nice to have those automatically included. it’d be nice to have all popular workstation software packages automatically built out really
options if you haven’t ran into them -
there is a fixlet maker dashboard that can generate a mac browser update for both chrome and firefox, you just have to download the dmg and run the wizard. fairly painless.
there is user generated content on some external sites that might have what you need (the c3 site is pretty sweet).
Thanks, i haven’t taken a look at c3 yet. What is the URL?
While those are good solutions and ideas, the real problem is that we have to do it manually. I did make a fixlet with the templates, but then I had to stay on top of the software versions, and it became a hassle. And if everyone is doing the exact same action individually, then why isn’t it being done by IBM one time, and sent to everyone.
Thanks again for the suggestions, and I will google the C3 and try it out.
C3 is a set of free content libraries available for organizations using IBM BigFix. We’re working on additional documentation but the C3 site and announcement post should get you started.
Specifically, C3 Patch provides patches, deployment, and removal content for a number of Mac applications – if you have any issues or concerns let me know. We are always looking to grow the library and improve the content!
it is kind of a pain in the butt to have to generate them manually and keep up with version #s. I find myself getting a little lazy and just doing a sweep a few times a year to the latest version for all of the workstation softwares, once for full version installs (that auto install after a workstation is imaged), and again for upgrading existing / out in the wild installations. unless something more urgent/impressive comes along, this suffices. it is not good practice for things like adobe things/ java etc, since they release security updates so regularly, but those upgrade fixlets are provided for us.