ILMT Scanner installation getting failed

Hi All,

When I try to install the scanner through fixlet in the RedHat Linux machine it’s getting failed with error code: 126.

I run the analyzer also everything shows true only.

Can someone help me resolve this issue?

Thanks, in Advance.

What version of RHEL is this? What is in the BigFix client log when the action is run?

If you have access to the RHEL server, check the following
Does the scanner folder exist? (default is /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT)
If so check if /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall folder exists and what files exist in this folder?
Check the installCITlog.txt file content for any error information

@ssakunala Thanks for your replay,

The server version is RHEL 7

in client logs, it’s showing not relevant.

/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT folder exists but under that path logs folder is not created.

I am providing the sample client logs for your reference.

Command succeeded run rm -rf “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/ITSIT” (action:24186)
Command succeeded (Prefetch download manager collected file) prefetch catalog_unix.xml.bz2 sha1:ccf7ad5a189da5139da90d7a2c9900aa8f007b10 size:504619 sha256:539a1392de896e93572cc0fc65dbc380caf4e4f8b5be246a75388aed9266e62f (action:24186)
Command succeeded delete “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/catalog_unix.xml.bz2” (action:24186)
Command succeeded copy __Download/catalog_unix.xml.bz2 “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/catalog_unix.xml.bz2” (action:24186)
Command succeeded (Prefetch download manager collected file) prefetch citbundle.tgz sha1:9e7937909a6a59e32086d0133cb129572adb17fc size:4346356 sha256:94e6e5ca6f6fca832b1b73e992eb5606cd6fd1f3af73036356c94878e7ae2906 (action:24186)
Command succeeded (Prefetch download manager collected file) prefetch bzip2 sha1:008e388b0f3ec3e761841d509f203df27a2e4777 size:233363 sha256:30d655bdcb28157a1593b69984d4e76c38a39ede519829816915000bbc009142 (action:24186)
Command succeeded parameter “citspb” = “CIT_linuxX64.spb” (action:24186)
Command succeeded (Prefetch download manager collected file) prefetch catalog.xml.bz2 sha1:df9725ae5959d535032e7011caec867aad77924c size:372478 sha256:632b4737dd4acf79b3c552a8f66c6ec8233666b281f3e8a1a8802290a4464fbf (action:24186)
Command succeeded delete “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/catalog.xml.bz2” (action:24186)
Command succeeded copy __Download/catalog.xml.bz2 “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/catalog.xml.bz2” (action:24186)
Command succeeded delete “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/bzip2” (action:24186)
Command succeeded copy __Download/bzip2 “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/bzip2” (action:24186)
Command started - wait chmod 500 “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/bzip2” (action:24186)
Command succeeded (Exit Code=0) wait chmod 500 “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/bzip2” (action:24186)
Command succeeded (evaluated true) continue if {exit code of action = 0} (action:24186)
Command succeeded folder delete “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall” (action:24186)
Command succeeded folder create “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall” (action:24186)
Command succeeded move __Download/citbundle.tgz “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/citbundle.tgz” (action:24186)
Command succeeded delete No ‘/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/IBM License Reporting/__appendfile’ exists to delete, no failure reported (action:24186)
Command succeeded delete No ‘/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/’ exists to delete, no failure reported (action:24186)
Command succeeded appendfile PATH=$PATH:/usr/contrib/bin/ (action:24186)
Command succeeded (file created) appendfile PATH=$PATH:/usr/contrib/bin/ (action:24186)
Command succeeded appendfile PATH=$PATH:/usr/contrib/bin/ (action:24186)
Command succeeded appendfile export PATH (action:24186)
Command succeeded appendfile cd “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall” (action:24186)
Command succeeded appendfile [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1 (action:24186)
Command succeeded appendfile gzip -dc citbundle.tgz | tar -xf - (action:24186)
Command succeeded appendfile [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 2 (action:24186)
Command succeeded appendfile chmod 500 wcitinst (action:24186)
Command succeeded appendfile chown -R id -un $USER:id -gn $USER /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall (action:24186)
Command succeeded appendfile [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 3 (action:24186)
Command succeeded appendfile “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/wcitinst” i SUA -r -s “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/CIT_linuxX64.spb” > “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/installCITlog.txt” 2>&1 (action:24186)
Command succeeded appendfile rc=$? (action:24186)
Command succeeded appendfile rm -f citbundle.tgz (action:24186)
Command succeeded appendfile exit $rc (action:24186)
Command succeeded move __appendfile “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/” (action:24186)
Command started - wait sh “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/” (action:24186)
At 10:50:56 -0500 -
Report posted successfully
At 10:50:56 -0500 - actionsite (http://#############:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)
Command succeeded (Exit Code=126) wait sh “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/” (action:24186)
Command succeeded (evaluated false) continue if {exit code of action = 0} (action:24186)
At 10:50:56 -0500 -
ActionLogMessage: (action:24186) ending action
At 10:50:56 -0500 - mailboxsite (http:####################:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/mailboxsite552758938)
Not Relevant - Install or Upgrade Scanner ( (fixlet:24186)
At 10:52:35 -0500 -
Report posted successfully
At 10:55:51 -0500 -
Report posted successfully

Note: I am trying to install the scanner because I am getting a NOScan error for this server.

It sounds like it might be an issue due to permission (google rhel exit code 126). I suggest to try to run the script by hand locally on the server and check whats possible wrong here.

Hi Matthias,

I try to execute manually, but it’s getting failed with the below error.

sh /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/
gzip: citbundle.tgz: No such file or directory
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

These are the additional information of the environment:

BigFix agent version : 9.5.13

ILMT version : 9.2.20

Existing Scanner version(working servers) : 9.1.16

Now I try to install the Scanner version(non-working server) : 9.2.26

Please let me know is it possible to install the ILMT Scanner( 9.2.26) on BigFix agent(9.5.13), if possible please guide me on this.

9.2.16 version of scanner can be installed on agent version 9.5.13. The issue here is with the downloaded scanner installation bundle.
The previous execution of /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/ will have already removed the citbundle.tgz (after extracting it), as such the above citbundle.tgz not found error is logged.

Assuming you have root access to this particular client,
Go to /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT folder
Show a listing of files from this folder (ls -l) to show the files and permissions
Show contents of /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/installCITlog.txt file

will 9.2.26 also will install/support 9.5.13 agent?

Sorry I meant to say 9.2.26, yes it should work.


This file is not available in that directory please see the available files under CIT directory,

[root@############ ~]# cd /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT
[root@######### CIT]# ls -l
total 1116
-rw-------. 1 root root 67 Feb 16 12:23 552758938_cit_tlm_hw.log
-r-x------. 1 root root 233363 Mar 2 11:25 bzip2
-rw-------. 1 root root 2 Mar 2 21:41
-rw-------. 1 root root 504619 Mar 2 11:25 catalog_unix.xml.bz2
-rw-------. 1 root root 10 Feb 9 11:48
-rw-------. 1 root root 372478 Mar 2 11:25 catalog.xml.bz2
-rw-------. 1 root root 463 Mar 2 21:41
drwx------. 2 root root 4096 Mar 2 11:25 citinstall
-rw-------. 1 root root 0 Feb 9 11:48 file_mask.txt
-rwx------. 1 root root 607 Feb 16 12:23
-rw-------. 1 root root 966 Feb 16 12:23 tlm_hw_config.xml
drwx------. 2 root root 6 Feb 9 12:09 tlm_hw_scans
[root@############# CIT]# cat /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/installCITlog.txt
cat: /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/installCITlog.txt: No such file or directory

When I try to run install scanner fixlet, it’s getting failed with error code:126

I should have included citinstall in the path. The correct path is /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall
List the files from this folder to check permissions and the log contents

Please see the output

[root@######### ~]# cd /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall
[root@######### citinstall]# ls -l
total 4520
-rw-r–r--. 1 root root 4404932 Nov 26 07:45 CIT_linuxX64.spb
-rw-rw-r–. 1 root root 1678 Nov 26 07:38 installation_instructions.txt
-rw-------. 1 root root 128 Mar 4 12:07 installCITlog.txt
-rw-------. 1 root root 502 Mar 4 12:07
-r-x------. 1 root root 206896 Nov 26 07:45 wcitinst
[root@############ citinstall]# cat installCITlog.txt
/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/ line 10: /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/wcitinst: Permission denied

Please post the contents of /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/

Here is the data

[root@XXXXXXXXXX citinstall]# cat
export PATH
cd “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall”
[ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
gzip -dc citbundle.tgz | tar -xf -
[ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 2
chmod 500 wcitinst
chown -R id -un $USER:id -gn $USER /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall
[ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 3
"/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/wcitinst" i SUA -r -s “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/CIT_linuxX64.spb” > “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/installCITlog.txt” 2>&1
rm -f citbundle.tgz
exit $rc

As root, go to /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/ and run the following command:
./wcitinst --help

If help information is displayed, then run the following installation command (It’s on line 10 in
"/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/wcitinst" i SUA -r -s “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/CIT_linuxX64.spb” > “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/installCITlog.txt” 2>&1

Check installCITlog.txt for result

Please see the output

[root@XXXXXXX citinstall]# ./wcitinst –help
-bash: ./wcitinst: Permission denied

[root@XXXXXXX citinstall]# ls -lrt wcitinst
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 206896 Nov 26 07:45 wcitinst

Looks like there is some security or other restriction to execute command/program from this folder under BESClient. Check with your security/Administration team on any such restrictions.

Is this an issue on one machine or across other clients in your environment?

You can also create a simple test script in this folder and try to test it.

To confirm, you can copy the entire folder to different location as root and try the above test again. If it works, then do the same test on other servers where you want to upgrade the scanner.

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I am facing this issue on not in one machine, multiple machines there is Redhat Linux 7 version.

for testing can I need to copy the entire LMT directory or only the citinstall directory to the temporary directory.

Just the citinstall directory. Also test a dummy script execution from the current location.