ILMT Scanner installation getting failed

after copied the citinstall directory to another location now this command is working, see the output

[root@XXXXXXX citinstall]# ./wcitinst -help
Usage: wcitinst i|r|t [-o ] [-s <spblock_path>] [-d <target_dir>] [-f <fs_provider>] [-n] [-r]

i install/upgrade specified software package block
r remove CIT for specified exploiter
t display install info
name of exploiter that is installing/removing CIT
-s <spblock_path> full path of SPB file (required to install or upgrade)
-o redirect output to a file
-d <target_dir> directory where CIT must be installed
-f <fs_provider> default provider for file system scanner
-n does not add to the CIT install registry
-r enable single user mode
-p private mode
-c <target_path> directory for CIT trace files

if we run this command on new location: “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/wcitinst” i SUA -r -s “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/CIT_linuxX64.spb” > “/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall/installCITlog.txt” 2>&1

Scanner installation will complete?

It will but you will have to do this manually on other servers and will not be an optimal solution.

You should check with your security team to see why execution is being blocked from the default citinstall folder under BESClient

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Sure… Thanks I will check with them…