How to update BigFix agents on Power 7 and Power8?

How to update BigFix agents on Power 7 and Power8?

Which operating system? For supported Linux or AIX platforms running on Power chips there are fixlets in the BES Support site to upgrade

We need step by step directions on updating IBM BigFix agents on Power 7 and Power 8.
I found this URL but there are no other directions. Thanks for your help.

The OS is AIX and Linux (Redhat for example).

In the BES Support site, find the appropriate relevant fixlet for the endpoint you are wanting to update. All you do is take the action on the fixlet. The BES Agent will update itself through the system.

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Please be more specific. What is the URL for the BES Support site?

In your console, click on External Sites, then expand BES Support and go to the fixlets.

Great. Thanks very much for your help today.