How did your deployment of Windows 10 Anniversary Upgrade version 1607 go?

Microsoft has released Windows 10 Anniversary Update version 1607. As with major upgrades, please take the necessary precautions for your deployment.

IBM BigFix Patches for Windows has released Fixlets for the Windows 10 Anniversary Upgrade.
Let us know how you’re doing, what you’ve experienced, any errors or issues you encountered, any best practices you care to share.

– BigFix Patches for Windows Team


Here are some articles that talk about issues and fixes related to the upgrade, as experienced by other users:

Partition mounting issue:

Windows 10 Anniversary Update and multiple McAfee products Compatibility

Common problems and solutions:

we use LTSB so I don’t believe this applies to our environment.


We tried this on several devices already with a success, except for one thing:

When I’ve send the action, it starts to download the iso file. After a while it says:

   ActionLogMessage: (action:189553) Cannot empty _Download directory

And this happens all the time. I’ve emptied my _Download directory myself and rebooted my computer and it started upgrading. After that, everything worked fine, all my settings where still there etc.

So no problem with the Core Protection Module (anti virus is always tricky :wink: )

The can’t empty the directory message usually means that the PREVIOUS action is running something out of the directory and it didn’t “wait” for the job to complete

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I’ve gotten the cannot empty message as well. Hopefully just needs a bit of polish on the fixlet. You can kill the task and send a normal restart needed fixlet to move in through.

I’ve actually taken things up a notch and used a customized ISO to upgrade encrypted laptops (success) and the fixlet will also work against Windows 8.1 systems (can’t do windows 7 because it can’t mount an ISO natively).

I have noticed that it is VERY restart needed sensitive (almost always resulting in an exit code=1 and failure half the time. Without the restart needed, it succeeds always. In my customized fixlet I’ve added two more lines of relevance to make sure it goes smoother:

not restart needed (to replace the one built in) since that was too specific. Any restart needed can goop it up and

(free space of drive of system folder / 1000 / 1000 > 30720)
Officially 20 GB is needed, but 30 is safe IMHO.

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Another issue we have after the upgrade: Authentication with the proxy is not working as it should be. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. It’s not BigFix related (we also have the issue when upgrading not through BigFix), but just wondering if anybody else has this issue…


It looks like the update was originally build 10 and now is build 51 for the anniversary update so if you are on a lower build you might want to check for updates if you are having issues.

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Bad part is MS hasn’t released an updated iso with the build iteration. It would be nice if they’d put out newer ISOs more often, but I think they’re still working out their update cadence.

Here’s another article:

Here’s an article for tool that might help with fixes:

When we try to use the fixlet provided (110019) it failes.with invalid action content. The fixlet says we need to download the iso to a custom repository which we have done but still does not work.
Any help would be appreciated.

The build for fixlet 110019 is 1607 which came out August 2.

Hi I’m having an issue obtaining the iso file: en_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1607_updated_jul_2016_x64_dvd_9058187.iso

I downloaded 3 iso’s yesterday using a variety of MS download tool, MS VL portal etc and none of the file checksums match.

Does anyone have any idea where to get the iso file in question ?

Kind Regards,


---------------------------------------------------------- actionscript -------------------------------------------------
add prefetch item name =en_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1607_updated_jul_2016_x64_dvd_9058187.iso sha1=99fd8082a609997ae97a514dca22becf20420891 size=4380387328 url={value of setting “_BESClient_AllowCustomRepoDownloads” of client | “http://MANUAL_BES_CACHING_REQUIRED/”}en_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1607_updated_jul_2016_x64_dvd_9058187.iso sha256=a01d0ce50c4c91964dfae08a5590a1d8e2a445cd80bb26eea4fee0f90198231a
end prefetch block

Hi @idaubney ,

The fixlets are based on ISOs downloaded from MSDN

Please download from there and give it a try.

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Thanks AndyMeng, I was able to find it from a non mainstream source.

Kind Regards,


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I also got the “unable to empty __Download folder” after applying the 1607 update fixlet. This one came from

  At 19:03:02 -0500 - 
       ActionLogMessage: (group:775744,action775745) Non-Distributed - DownloadsAvailable
       ActionLogMessage: (action:775744) Action signature verified for Execution
       ActionLogMessage: (action:775744) starting group action
       ActionLogMessage: (action:775744) starting sub action
       DownloadPing command received (ID=533423)
    At 19:03:03 -0500 - actionsite (
       Command succeeded parameter "workISO" = "C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows\__Download\en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jul_2016_x64_dvd_9054264.iso" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded (evaluated true) continue if {exists file (parameter "workISO")}  (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded parameter "workPath" = "C:\win10_upgrade_temp" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command started - waithidden cmd /C rmdir /S /Q "C:\win10_upgrade_temp" (group:775744,action:775745)
    At 19:03:06 -0500 - 
       Report posted successfully
    At 19:03:06 -0500 - actionsite (
       Command succeeded (Exit Code=2) waithidden cmd /C rmdir /S /Q "C:\win10_upgrade_temp" (group:775744,action:775745)
    At 19:03:06 -0500 - 
       DownloadPing command received (ID=533057)
    At 19:03:06 -0500 - actionsite (
       Command started - waithidden cmd /C mkdir "C:\win10_upgrade_temp" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded (Exit Code=0) waithidden cmd /C mkdir "C:\win10_upgrade_temp" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded delete No 'C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows\__appendfile' exists to delete, no failure reported (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded delete No 'C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows\setupcomplete.cmd' exists to delete, no failure reported (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile @echo off (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded (file created) appendfile @echo off (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile @echo off (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile SET WindowsISO="C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows\__Download\en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jul_2016_x64_dvd_9054264.iso" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile powershell.exe "Dismount-DiskImage ""%WindowsISO%""" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile rmdir /S /Q "C:\win10_upgrade_temp" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded move __appendfile setupcomplete.cmd (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded delete No 'C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows\__appendfile' exists to delete, no failure reported (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile @echo off (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile SET WindowsISO="C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows\__Download\en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jul_2016_x64_dvd_9054264.iso" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile FOR /F "skip=3" %%I IN ('powershell.exe "Get-DiskImage """%WindowsISO%""" | Get-Volume | Select-Object {$_.DriveLetter}"') DO %%I:\setup.exe /auto upgrade /Compat ScanOnly /DynamicUpdate disable /noreboot" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile echo %errorlevel% > "C:\win10_upgrade_temp\out.log" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded move __appendfile "C:\win10_upgrade_temp/upgradeCheck.bat" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded delete No 'C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows\__appendfile' exists to delete, no failure reported (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded delete No 'C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows\mount.and.install.bat' exists to delete, no failure reported (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile @echo on (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile SET WindowsISO="C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows\__Download\en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jul_2016_x64_dvd_9054264.iso" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile powershell.exe "Mount-DiskImage ""%WindowsISO%""" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile TIMEOUT 10 (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile FOR /F "skip=3" %%I IN ('powershell.exe "Get-DiskImage """%WindowsISO%""" | Get-Volume | Select-Object {$_.DriveLetter}"') DO dir %%I: > "C:\win10_upgrade_temp\dir.log" && %%I:\setup.exe /auto upgrade /Quiet /DynamicUpdate disable /noreboot /postoobe "C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows\setupcomplete.cmd" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded appendfile echo %errorlevel% > "C:\win10_upgrade_temp\out.log" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded move __appendfile mount.and.install.bat  (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command started - wait mount.and.install.bat > "C:\win10_upgrade_temp\cmd.log" (group:775744,action:775745)
    At 19:03:17 -0500 - Patching Support (
       Fixed - Task: Windows Update Service - Start the service (fixlet:12003)
       Relevant - Task: Windows Update Service - Stop the service (fixlet:12004)
    At 19:03:49 -0500 - 
       PollForCommands: Requesting commands
       PollForCommands: commands to process: 0
    At 19:04:12 -0500 - 
       Report posted successfully
    At 19:07:49 -0500 - 
       Report posted successfully
    At 19:09:19 -0500 - 
       Report posted successfully
    At 19:09:26 -0500 - 
       DownloadPing command received (ID=776004)
       DownloadPing command received (ID=16928614)
    At 19:10:03 -0500 - 
       Successful Synchronization with site 'BES Support' (version 1275) - ''
    At 19:13:12 -0500 - 
       Report posted successfully
    At 19:16:53 -0500 - actionsite (
       Command succeeded (Exit Code=0) wait mount.and.install.bat > "C:\win10_upgrade_temp\cmd.log" (group:775744,action:775745)
       Command succeeded action requires restart "f9ffea3a40bf39ccde105bb064e153343560d73e" (group:775744,action:775745)
    At 19:18:51 -0500 - 
       ActionLogMessage: (group:775744,action775745) ending sub action
    At 19:18:51 -0500 - opsite142 (
       Not Relevant - Windows 10 Enterprise Version 1607 Available - Windows 10 (x64) (English (United States)) (fixlet:775745)
    At 19:18:52 -0500 - 
       PollForCommands: Requesting commands
       PollForCommands: commands to process: 0

…and later, from the next action that had downloads…I see the Windows 10 ISO image is still in the __Download folder…

	   At 19:19:08 -0500 - 
   ActionLogMessage: (group:775476,action775571) Non-Distributed - DownloadsAvailable
   ActionLogMessage: (action:775476) Action signature verified for Execution
   ActionLogMessage: (action:775476) Cannot empty _Download directory
   ActionLogMessage: (group:775628,action775637) Non-Distributed - DownloadsAvailable
   ActionLogMessage: (action:775628) Action signature verified for Execution
   ActionLogMessage: (action:775628) Cannot empty _Download directory

Output from the cmd.log that it generates:

C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows>SET WindowsISO="C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows\__Download\en_wi

C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows>powershell.exe "Mount-DiskImage """C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windo

C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows>TIMEOUT 10

Waiting for 10 seconds, press a key to continue . 0

C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows>FOR /F "skip=3" %I IN ('powershell.exe "Get-DiskImage """"C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESD
ata\CustomSite_CM_Windows\__Download\en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jul_2016_x64_dvd_9054264.iso"""" | Get-Volume | Select-Object {$_.DriveLetter}"') DO dir %I:   1>"C:\win10_upgrade_te
mp\dir.log"  && %I:\setup.exe /auto upgrade /Quiet /DynamicUpdate disable /noreboot /postoobe "C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows\setupcomplete.cmd"

C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows>dir E:   1>"C:\win10_upgrade_temp\dir.log"  && E:\setup.exe /auto upgrade /Quiet /DynamicUpdate disable /noreboot /p
ostoobe "C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows\setupcomplete.cmd"

C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows>echo 0  1>"C:\win10_upgrade_temp\out.log"

I’m not entirely familiar with this process, but it looks to me like the ISO image gets mount with

C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windows>powershell.exe "Mount-DiskImage """C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_CM_Windo

…but I don’t see any place where the image gets un-mounted? Will we be able to delete the ISO image if it’s still mounted?

Hmmm I see now where “setupcomplete.cmd” was configured to handle unmounting the ISO image. I’m not sure whether that actually occurred though. I still see the ISO in my __Downloads folder, and the next actions cannot clear it.

I ran another action to unmount the ISO. That worked and allowed the next action to clear the __Download folder.

Still getting the same error.Download failed.