HotFix does not appear in Patches for Windows

I searching the Patches For Windows external site I can not find Microsoft Hotfix KB2736878. How can I get that hot fix added

Submitting this to our content developers to see if a fixlet can be created for it.

Please confirm this is the hotfix update you are referring to:

Submitted as Request # 71418. Someone should be getting back to you within a day.

Thanks a bunch it would be much appreciated.

This hotfix may now be supported (content dev would not put out a fixlet for it). Still checking with content dev on this and will confirm soon.

Hi @ Viakenan,

This hotfix is not supported and a fixlet will not be released by the content development team.

You can still use BigFix to deploy it by creating a deploy custom fixlet.

Looks like IBM published it :smile:

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They must have reconsidered. :smile:

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