File error "class FilePermissionError after BigFix Upgrade


I upgraded bigfix to 10.0.7 yesterday and everything went well. But when I log onto webreports, I get the below attached error message. I restarted the Webreports service as well as restarted the bigfix server but that didn’t fix it. When I navigate to the path in the error, the “Temp” folder is empty. I made sure the hidden items option was checked to make sure there were no hidden files. And there is no site called vulnerability reporting listed in the “Sites” folder but I do see that site in the console.

I also get this error when logging onto the console.

I’ve seen this myself and tried a bunch of things to address it - similar to what you have done. What ended up fixing it for me was to unsubscribe and then resubscribe to the Vulnerability Reporting site in the console.

Although unsubscribing to the site gets rid of the error but when I re-subscribe, the error comes back again. I noticed when I subscribe the computers to the vulnerability reporting site, it creates a duplicate site and I believe this could be causing some kind of issue.


Only one of those two instances of the site should gather & reflect a site version; remove the one that does not.

Both sites are able to gather and reflect a site version. When you subscribe to All computers for the original site and click on Save changes it defaults back to no computers. But the duplicate site is able to subscribe to all computers.

That’s a little bit different from what I expected, but go ahead and try removing the one that won’t save the computer subscription.

It may also be one of those occasions where clearing your Console cache and restarting the console helps.

I know we had a problem when we first published that as a new site but thought it was all cleared. @Marjan any thoughts?

@JasonWalker I just performed a new root server build and it seems like the issue of duplicate site folders is resolved for brand new installs. But perhaps its still an issue for existing installs? The key here is the upgrade - at least from what I’ve seen - and then the error shows up in the dashboard and web report.

So, we enabled the site originally on 6/8 and issue occurred then prior to the upgrade. I removed one of the sites and everything was fine until the upgrade and I noticed the error when logging onto the console and webreports.

I don’t understand the details, but my impression was that it would only affect people who refreshed their license during a short period in May…I didn’t expect to still see any instances of this. I will try to find more on it.

So, reached out to HCL and here is what the dev team said and the solution they provided below fixed the issue.

"It seems there is an issue with the old siteID=‘15727’, now the correct siteID version of the site ‘Vulnerability Reporting’ seems to be ‘15733.’

Here after the steps to clean this unexpected situation:

  1. From the console unsubscribe all computers from both the duplicated sites ‘Vulnerability Reporting’
  2. From the console remove both the duplicated sites ‘Vulnerability Reporting’
  3. Stop bigfix server services and backup the database BFEnterprise
  4. Execute the following sql command:
    DELETE FROM [BFEnterprise].[dbo].[SITENAMEMAP] where SiteID = ‘15727’
  5. Restart bigfix server services
  6. Enable the site 'Vulnerability Reporting’
    7)Verify the problem is solved

The mentioned solution is also available as official KB article at this link: