Execution of Fixlet ("Reapply this action" behavior)

I’m wanting to run a fixlet that will remove MS Office which will re-run whenever it becomes relevant on the end-client. The relevance usage for this that I currently have is the following:

(version of client >= "") AND ((exists true whose (if true then (exists regapp "excel.exe" or exists regapp "Microsoft Excel.app" or exists folder "/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008" or exists folder "/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011") else false)) AND (exists true whose (if true then (not exists (computer name) whose (it as string as lowercase contains "JROTC" as lowercase)) else false)) AND (not (exists true whose (if true then (exists setting "__Group_0_Microsoft Office Exception List" whose (value of it is "True") of client) else false))))

I was under the impression that if I tag the box to “Reapply this action” in the “Execution” tab that it would run this fixlet again which would remove office. However when I tested this out the fixlet was not re-run after Office was re-installed on the end-client. Is this not how the “Reapply” feature works? Or is there perhaps another way of accomplishing this task that I’m overlooking?

I have found a way to do what I was originally wanting to accomplish. I will just have the fixlet dynamically target an automatic group which will have the above relevance. Once the computer gets dropped back into the group it has the action reapplied to it.

I would still like clarification on the usage of the “Reapply this action” feature if someone can help with that. Thanks in advance!