ERROR: Cannot perform relevance query evaluation

I have had this error in 2 different cases when using the REST API :

when using /api/query to do session relevance evaluation, the root server passes the query off to a Web Reports server to actually evaluate and return the answer to the session relevance.

This error means that the root server cannot contact the Web Reports server that is configured for REST calls in the registry / settings.

This happened to me the first time because I had changed the port of my Web Reports server and had not made a similar change to the port setting on the Root Server.

The second time it happened was due to a network change that interfered with the Root server reaching the Web Reports server.

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Which setting needs to be modified on the root server in order to point to an external webreports server?

_WebReports_HTTPServer_HostName ?

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I believe so.


So far no luck, I have tried a few different combinations, restarting the root server each time. Each time I get that same error response when running a relevance query through the RESTAPI. My goal here is to have a single remote webreports server that can be accessed directly via SOAP or UI, and via RESTAPI on the root server.

Note in this case my webreports server is running without SSL, on the server on port 8080.

_WebReports_HTTPServer_HostName =
_WebReports_HTTPServer_HostName =
_WebReports_HTTPServer_HostName =
_WebReports_HTTPServer_HostName =

The whole time I have kept the port number constant.
_WebReports_HTTPServer_PortNumber = 8080

Am I misunderstanding how these settings are used?

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I need to look this up to see which setting and how it is used. I don’t remember offhand.

Looks like the resolution for my issue is verifying that there is only one entry in the BF_Enterprise.AGGREGATEDBY table.

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Sorry I wasn’t of more help. Glad to hear it is resolved, that is not what I would have expected as the solution.