Enable `Device User` to see action history in ClientUI

The BigFix client stores a history of actions in a SQLite DB called ActionHistory.db. By default it stores 1 year of action history, but I set it to 3+ years so that it contains the full history throughout the device lifecycle so that I can query it with relevance or other means when needed. I already have example content on BigFixMe to show how to query the ActionHistory.db with relevance.

You can expose this history to the Device User if the ClientUI is available to them. You can control how much history is available to the user through client settings. The default time period is 30 days, but that can be changed. Set _BESClient_ActionManager_HistoryModeUser to All to enable the user to see all actions, not just those that required user input. The Technician UI default is All so you can enable the Technician UI and then it can be invoked on any client at anytime to see the full history for the past 30 days or more if you change the Technician history availability.

Related settings:

  • _BESClient_ActionManager_HistoryKeepDays
  • _BESClient_ActionManager_HistoryModeUser
  • _BESClient_ActionManager_HistoryModeTech
  • _BESClient_ActionManager_HistoryDisplayDaysUser
  • _BESClient_ActionManager_HistoryDisplayDaysTech
  • _BESClient_ActionManager_InitialUITab

Drop down to select history view in Client UI:

Example history once selected:

Note: This is not just offers, this is everything.



Thank you James!
I didn’t know this existed best thing I learned today. I can’t wait test it out.

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Were you ever able to get the “Technician mode” working? I saw in another post that you referenced it but were unable to get it working.

try this one (then restart client) ;
there is an underscore between “BESClient” and “ActionManager”

setting "_BESClient_ActionManager_HistoryModeUser"="ALL" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
setting "_BESClient_ActionManager_HistoryModeTech"="ALL" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
setting "_BESClient_ActionManager_HistoryDisplayDaysUser"="30" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
setting "_BESClient_ActionManager_HistoryDisplayDaysTech"="30" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client

The ctrl-alt-shift-t did not work. Do I need to create the file _technician.html as is referenced on the page below?

There is a sample _technician.html file located in the original thread on developerworks: Original Topic. Look in the last post by BenKus.

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I didn’t see that perfect thanks!

I have some “work in progress” example ClientUI Dashboards here: bigfix-content/clientui at main · jgstew/bigfix-content · GitHub

It should be the case that any ClientUI Dashboard can be used as a technician dashboard and vis versa… it is just a matter of how it is named.

You might give certain power users access to similar info as a technician, in which case you might not need to make a distinction, while in other cases you would.

You can use the following actionscript in BigFix 9.0+ to force a client restart immediately:

client restart
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Thanks James great info!


We’re running tests to see if we can control the history in the Self-Service App now that we’re planning to switch from the older ClientUI. The client properties don’t seem to work. Is this functionality available in the SSA? If not, we’ll need to create a custom dashboard that queries the SQLite DB, but using the built-in history would be much easier if available.

Ok, I see now that there is an option to “Display Administrative Actions” on the Configure Self-Service Application page. This sets the desired behavior.

Is it possible to change the sequence of the tabs that appear on Client UI. I see that _BESClient_ActionManager_InitialUITab lets you choose the tab to show when you launch Client UI but I am looking for to change the sequence modification.

Any suggestions?