Dose bigfix support Windows 10 1803?

Dose bigfix support Windows 10 1803?

We do provide Microsoft patch content for Windows 10 1803. However, there is no content yet to perform the feature upgrade to version 1803 from a prior version.

It has been over a month since 1803 and the WADK has been released by Microsoft, and I am still not able to make an OSD bundle to support it, or upgrade.
It is getting very annoying that we have to wait so long for BigFix to support those builds.

Here is a great share of some Fixlets provided by @AlexaVonTess to assist in 1803 upgrades prior to IBM releasing the Fixlet in Q3:

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@deni - You can utilize the WADK from 1709 to capture and then distribute a WIM of 1830 using the existing OSD dashboards. It works.

By Microsoft specifics, to capture/deploy Win10 1803 you need an MDT Bundle built on WADK 1803. In order to do so, you would need to install WADK 1803 on the bundle creator machine. After that, you can run the fixlet to create the MDT Bundle (and later import it and create profile as usual).

Testing is confirming that, as for the latest Windows releases, the strict dependency on WADK version is not really so strict, and capture/deployments on older versions of WADK continue to work. So we were able to capture/deploy Windows 10 1803 using the “GA” MDTBundle built on WADK 1709.



Thanks, that sounds good. I will try it out :slight_smile:

  • Dennis
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