Create a baseline using new baseline REST API

Is the following documentation up to date in reference to the new Baseline functionality?

There is no indication of change date on the REST API reference page(s) that I notice.

I am interested in being able to dynamically create a baseline housing all relevant fixlets in a patch site. In my case, specifically SLES 11 via the following relevance :

(url of site of it, id of it, name of it) of fixlets whose ((applicable computer count of it is greater than 0) and (category of it = regex "Mandatory|Recommended")) of bes site whose (name of it equals "Patches for SLE 11 Native Tools")

To then apply in a single action to get the system patched up to date.

Is the URL necessary?
What is the bare minimum to create this baseline?

To me, it would seem the fixlet ID should be enough since they are unique (I think) across the entire platform.

Yes, the documentation is up to date. The baseline resource did not exist prior to 9.5.5.

If you look at the POST operation details, you can see the minimum required elements are SourceSiteURL, SourceID , and ActionName (which is usually Action1). Fixlet IDs are only unique within an individual site, so site URL is required.

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