BigFix 9.5 Patch 5 is now available

Upgrades to the clients and relays are fairly simple and can be done with the product itself, the server upgrade you should make sure you follow the procedures including making a db backup.

Hi Alan,

Is there a procedure that shows which service needs to be stop or files to be copied before the start of installation? OR just straight forward install?

The links @Aram posted ( and ) have the info you need. The installers should provide all the service maintenance you need but its the preparation you should be most aware of for the server. The issues are duration of the upgrade and the backups etc. Please do read the procedures before if this is your first upgrade.

Great stuff…but what happened to the ping option on console? It was there on 8.2 under right-click options. Even trace will be much appreciated.

Hi Alan,

Can I just download the installer to upgrade the server and just use the fixlet to upgrade the other components? or we need to use the installation manager to generate all the installers to use? thanks in advanced.

Yes. You can leverage the installer to create the Server/Console upgrade, and Fixlets to upgrade the remaining components.

Hi Aram,

The BESAdmin tool becomes not responding at the last part. Can i closed it and run again? Thanks

I’d suggest that you let it continue to run as it is likely still performing work, and can take some time to finish depending on your environment.

Hi Aram,

Below is the screenshot of the installation. Thanks

Thanks Aram. We’ll just wait then.

Hi Aram,

Its already 1 hour, is that normal? We have about 6000 endpoints and running remote database.Thanks

Yes, it could take a couple hours depending on hardware and amount of content. Check for any other dialogs that might be behind the one that is not responding. There should be an additional dialog showing status progression through all the stages of the database upgrade. If you don’t see that, you can also monitor the BESAdminDebugOut.txt file which will exist in %LOCALAPPDATA%\BigFix directory for the user running the upgrade. It will contain the message Silent upgrade completed successfully! when the upgrade is done.

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Thanks all for the assistance. We have successfully upgraded the server. The only not working component is the WEBUI. The install WebUI 9.5.5 is not applicable to the server. thanks

Hi Steve,

We have reinstalled WEBUI 9.5.5 and it is successful but when we try to login we are stuck on below screen for more than 5 hours now. is it normal? Thanks

Has anyone deployed 9.5.5 in their environment? The server installation went smooth but after two to three days, the console keeps on crashing for all users at around the same time. I have IBM level 3 engaged but am not sure if anyone else have seen issues. Thanks.

hi there The same issue we are facing in all users are diconnecting/not able to connect at a time.It’s not good actually.

If a schema change occurs (as it did in 9.5.5) then yes the WebUI has to rebuild its database as well and the time it takes depends a lot on your content and deployment size. We hope to make this better in the future.

hi team…after upgrading to 9.5.5 on 18th April, 98% of my clients are showing lastreporttime as 18th on the console but are not greyed out. Only about 10 clients out of 6000 are reporting currently. I checked from the DB the Computer table and I see the ‘lastreportTime’ is showing the current time but the ‘lastreportsent’ is showing 18th April (which I guess is the date populating the last report time field on the console. How do I resolve this?

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