Here are a few of the right click options I have created for the Bigfix console plus the default options. For most of them, your PStools folder will need to be in the root of C. (Ignore the name scheme, it was just a quick way to organize them). If you have any others that may be useful feel free to share as well.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\........Start Windows Update Service]
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\PSTools\\psexec \\\\\"& name of current computer &\" net start wuauserv\""
"MenuDisplayName"="&Start Windows Update Service"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\........Stop Windows Update Service]
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\PSTools\\psexec \\\\\"& name of current computer &\" net stop wuauserv\""
"MenuDisplayName"="&Stop Windows Update Service"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\.......Check for Updates]
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\PSTools\\psexec \\\\\"& name of current computer &\" powershell.exe (New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate).DetectNow()\""
"MenuDisplayName"="&Check For Updates (WIN10)"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\.....Enable Local Admin/Set Password]
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\PSTools\\psexec \\\\\"& name of current computer &\" cmd.exe /c net users Administrator /active:yes | net users Administrator passwordhere\""
"MenuDisplayName"="&Enable Local Admin/Set Password"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\....Stop BES Client]
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"sc \\\\\"&hostname of current computer &\" stop BESClient\""
"MenuDisplayName"="&Stop BES Client"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\...Start BES Client]
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"sc \\\\\"&hostname of current computer &\" start BESClient\""
"MenuDisplayName"="&Start BES Client"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\..Query BES Client]
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"cmd.exe /K sc \\\\\"&hostname of current computer &\" query BESClient\""
"MenuDisplayName"="&Query BES Client"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\.Update Group Policy]
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\PSTools\\psexec \\\\\"& name of current computer &\" gpupdate /force\""
"MenuDisplayName"="&Update Group Policy"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Browse Computer]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Browse Computer C$"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"explorer \\\\\" & (value of property results whose (name of property of it = \"DNS Name\" ) of current computer)& \"\\c$\""
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Clean PC]
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\PSTools\\psexec \\\\\"& name of current computer &\" cmd.exe /c net stop wuaserv | net stop cryptsvc | rmdir /s /q C:\\windows\\softwaredistribution\\ | rmdir /s /q C:\\windows\\temp\\ | rmdir /s /q C:\\users\\\"& (value of property results whose (name of property of it = \"User Name\" ) of current computer)&\"\\appdata\\local\\temp\\ | rmdir /s /q C:\\windows\\softwaredistribution\\ | rmdir /s /q C:\\Windows\\Logs\\CBS\\ \""
"MenuDisplayName"="&Clean PC"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Command Prompt]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Remote CMD"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"cmd.exe /c C:\\PSTools\\psexec.exe -s \\\\\"&(value of property results whose (name of property of it = \"DNS Name\") of current computer)&\" cmd.exe\""
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Computer Management Console]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Computer Management Console"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"cmd /c mmc compmgmt.msc /computer=\"&(value of property results whose (name of property of it = \"DNS Name\" ) of current computer)"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Copy Hostname]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Copy Hostname"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Console\\RunQuiet.exe sha1.exe -h \" & name of current computer"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Copy IP Address]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Copy IP Address"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Console\\RunQuiet.exe sha1.exe -h \" & (value of property results whose (name of property of it = \"IP Address\" ) of current computer)"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Copy Serial]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Copy Serial Number"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Console\\RunQuiet.exe sha1.exe -h \" & (value of property results whose (name of property of it = \"serial_number\" ) of current computer)"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Infinite Ping]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Infinite Ping"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"cmd.exe /K ping -t \" & concatenation \" \" of ( values of property results whose (name of property of it = \"IP Address\" ) of current computer)"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Lock PC]
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\pstools\\psexec -s -i \\\\\"& hostname of current computer &\" rundll32.exe user32.dll LockWorkStation\""
"MenuDisplayName"="&Lock PC"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Open Client Log]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Open Client Log"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\baretail.exe %22\\\\\" & (value of property results whose (name of property of it = \"DNS Name\" ) of current computer) & \"\\C$\\Program Files\" & (if (exists property results whose (name of property of it = \"Full Operating System Name and Service Pack Level - Windows\" and exists value of it and (value of it as lowercase contains \"x64\" or value of it as lowercase contains \"64-bit\") ) of current computer) then \" (x86)\" else \"\") & \"\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Client\\__BESData\\__Global\\Logs\\\" & year of current date as string & month of current date as two digits as string & day_of_month of current date as two digits as string & \".log%22\" "
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Open Run.Bat File]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Open Run.Bat File"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"notepad.exe %22\\\\\" & (value of property results whose (name of property of it = \"DNS Name\" ) of current computer) & \"\\C$\\Program Files\" & (if ( exists property result whose (name of property of it = \"64-bit Windows\" AND value of it = \"True\") of current computer ) then \" (x86)\" else \"\") & \"\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Client\\__BESData\\actionsite\\run.bat%22\""
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Open SWD Log]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Open SWD Log"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"notepad.exe %22\\\\\" & (value of property results whose (name of property of it = \"DNS Name\" ) of current computer) & \"\\C$\\Program Files\" & (if ( exists property result whose (name of property of it = \"64-bit Windows\" AND value of it = \"True\") of current computer ) then \" (x86)\" else \"\") & \"\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Client\\__BESData\\__Global\\SWDDeployData\\SWD_DeploymentResults.log%22\""
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\PathPing Hostname]
"MenuDisplayName"="&PathPing Hostname"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"cmd.exe /K iteratecmd.bat pathping \" & concatenation \" \" of ( values of property results whose (name of property of it = \"DNS Name\" ) of current computer) "
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Ping IPs]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Ping IP(s)"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"cmd.exe /K ping \" & concatenation \" \" of ( values of property results whose (name of property of it = \"IP Address\" ) of current computer) "
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Remote Desktop]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Remote Desktop"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"mstsc.exe /v \" & ( value of property result whose (name of property of it = \"DNS Name\" ) of current computer )\""
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Remote Registry Enable]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Remote Registry Enable"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\PSTools\\PSService.exe \\\\\"& (value of property results whose (name of property of it = \"DNS Name\" ) of current computer) &\" setconfig RemoteRegistry auto\""
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Remote Registry Start]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Remote Registry Start"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\PSTools\\PSService.exe \\\\\"& (value of property results whose (name of property of it = \"DNS Name\" ) of current computer) &\" start RemoteRegistry\""
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Set PageFile to C$]
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\PSTools\\psexec \\\\\"& name of current computer &\" cmd.exe /c REG ADD %22HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Memory Management%22 /v PagingFiles /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d %22c:\\pagefile.sys 0 0%22 /f\""
"MenuDisplayName"="&Set PageFile to C$"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\TivoliRC]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Remote Control"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"%22C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IBM\\Tivoli\\Remote Control\\Controller\\jre\\bin\\javaw.exe%22 -jar %22C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IBM\\Tivoli\\Remote Control\\Controller\\TRCConsole.jar%22 --host \" & hostname of current computer"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\Trace Route]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Trace Route"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"cmd.exe /K tracert \" & ( value of property result whose (name of property of it = \"DNS Name\" ) of current computer )\""
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\ZClose All Processes]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Close All Processes"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"C:\\pstools\\psexec \\\\\"& hostname of current computer &\" taskkill /F /FI %22USERNAME eq \" & (value of property results whose (name of property of it = \"User Name\" ) of current computer)& \"%22\""
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\ZRestart PC]
"MenuDisplayName"="&Restart PC"
"ShellCommandRelevance"="\"shutdown -m \\\\\"&hostname of current computer &\" -r -f\""