Change WebReport Path of Reports

i want to know if i can change this path? or its a default path?

Archive Report:
Archive Folder: D:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\BESReportsData\ArchiveData\1155

That’s a great question. I don’t know of any way to change it. Would be nice if it were a setting or a registry entry, but I don’t see anything.

This path is set in the registry of the Windows Server where Web Reports is installed.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BigFix\Enterprise Server\BESReports] "ArchivePath"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\BESReportsData\\ArchiveData"

You can create a custom task to modify the value. Look at Fixlet ID 4591: Enable Web Report Server log in the BES Support site for an example in this context. Note that the Web Reports server must be restarted for the change in path to be effective.


thank you but this is for changing the path for new one,
i want to know if i can choose every time when i create one where to put him
modify it for every report


Unfortunately, that is not a feature of the Scheduled Activities function of Web Reports. What are you trying to accomplish?

You cant change this path for every report but if you really want to move files from this location to somewhere else you can simply create a ps script to identify change in mention path, copy the file to your desired location.

And put your ps script in windows schedule task to run as per your convenience.


You can use email report link path only & configure retention period whichever you want, this way desired people will get the email with report link & they can just download the report using that link without even logging into webreport.

After that either you can configure automatic deletion of these reports after certain period of time or delete them manually.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH:grinning::grinning:

i dont want to get everyone permission to bigfix report folder so i want to put it in different servers some of the report.

but i understand that maybe the only way is to use ps scripts
