What does this relevance do?
The answer is now available below.
( concatenations of (characters it) of (if (it >= 65 AND it <= 90) then ( (it - 65 + 13) mod 26 + 65) else if (it >= 97 AND it <= 122) then ( (it - 97 + 13) mod 26 + 97) else it) of (hexadecimal integer it) of ( it as hexadecimal ) of characters of it) of ("What Does This Do?")
Reference: https://developer.bigfix.com/relevance/reference/string.html
Correct answers:
- @TimRice
- @strawgate
- @JasonWalker
- @BaiYunfei
- @Aram
- @selimgoksu
- @Sean
- @AlanM
- @steini44
- @zpt8mjs
- @iLorenz
- @nattriplett
- @brolly33
The above users had the right answer before it was provided below.
The Answer:
Answer (click to reveal)
The above relevance implements something known as “ROT13” which is a very poor form of “encryption” that only works with a 26 character alphabet, in which it is done a 2nd time to return the “enciphered” text back to the original. Read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ROT13