The last reply was an example of relevance to use as a filter. You can’t use custom relevance in the Custom Filter view to filter fixlets! Click the Custom Filters view in the admin console and create a new custom filter. There is NO option to define custom relevence to filter by.
Does anyone know how to create a filter to list updates by OS. I’ve already tried filtering by “Relevance” contains (name of it = “Win7”), which appears to work, but if you reverse the filter and set it to “does not contain”, the filter still shows Win7 fixlets. An obvious bug in the filtering mechanism.
Yes but unfortunately the terminology IBM uses in the names for updates are not always consistent. For example, most fixlets will include “server 2008” in a fixlet name for Windows Server 2008 R2, however some fixlets will not. They will instead say something like “Security updates for Win7, 2008R2, 2008, 2003…”. Some even don’t state the applicable OS at all. For this reason the only real way to filter by OS is to look in the relevance for any reference of the OS( for example with Windows servers we use “name of it = Win20”. This solution doesn’t work for “Win7, Win8, Win10, etc.”
It is best to start a new thread and point to it like you did rather than replying to an old thread.
The old threads are in the new forum, but you have to look them up by title in the search, which is a bit of a pain. The thread you are pointing to is here: Custom Filters By Applicable OS (but again, it is better to keep the conversation here in the new thread)
My suggested solution was to use session relevance to get the list of patches that have windows 7 computers relevant to them. This might not be ideal, but it is useful. You need to run the session relevance in the session relevance tester, or the presentation debugger, or in webreports.
names of fixlets whose(exists applicable computers whose(operating system of it starts with "Win7") of it) of bes sites whose(name of it = "Enterprise Security")
The real question is, what are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to make a baseline of all relevant patches for all Windows 7 computers? If so, then I have a solution I am working on to automate this process:
All you need to do is define a session relevance query that returns the set of patches you want to be included in the baseline. Once you have that, the creation of the baseline can be automated by using this same query every time you wish to create a new patch baseline.