I am pleased to announce a small update to the C3 set of projects.
For information on the C3 set of projects (and how to set it up with your BigFix Environment) please see the announcement post: C3 - Free BigFix Community Content Libraries This content is provided by the community, maintained by me and anyone who contributes to the repositories on github. This is not IBM provided or supported content.
This release includes additional support for EMET, additional inventory and platform kickstart content, and small fixes to McAfee content.
- C3 Inventory - 47 Analyses (2 New), 15 Fixlets
- C3 Patch - 59 Supported Applications
- C3 Protect - 67 Fixlets (4 New, 2 Updated), 26 Analyses (1 New, 2 Updated)
- C3 Platform Kickstart - 26 Fixlets (4 New), 2 Analyses
- C3 Remote Control - 7 Fixlets, 7 Analyses
C3 Inventory
- “Shares - Windows” - Provides information (Name, Path, who has Read/Write/Full Control Permissions, Number of Active Connections) on the currently configured SMB shares on the Windows Host
- “Sockets - Universal” - Provides information (Process Name, Type, Port, Address) of listening and established network sockets
C3 Protect
- “EMET - Configuration - Windows” - Provides information on the current EMET configuration
- “Applications - McAfee*” - Updated Information across the board
C3 Platform Kickstart
- “Config - Client Setting - CPU Usage - 1%” - Configures the workidle/sleep idle for the client
- “Config - Client Setting - CPU Usage - 2%” - Configures the workidle/sleep idle for the client
- “Config - Client Setting - CPU Usage - 5%” - Configures the workidle/sleep idle for the client
- “Config - Client Setting - CPU Usage - 10%” - Configures the workidle/sleep idle for the client
Thanks for reading this far – To learn more about C3 please see the original announcement