Bigfix Web Report No Longer Working - Fixlet FixDate by ComputerGroup w/Date Search

We recently upgraded to version and appears some of our BF web reports are now broken. We seen previous threads regarding the display site name changing and have amended the site display name from “Patches for Windows (English)” to “Patches for Windows” but it did not alleviate the issue. When we run the report no results are displayed. Anyone else have this report working in a newer version of Bigfix or perhaps someone can spot the error in the relevance clause?

Similar to this report being discussed here -

	var relevance = '(html "<table id=%22resultsTable%22 class=%22sortable%22><tr class=%22res%22><th class=%22res%22>Computer</th><th class=%22res%22>Fixlet</th><th class=%22res%22 nowrap>Source Release Date</th><th class=%22res%22 nowrap>Source Severity</th><th class=%22res%22>Fix Date</th></tr>" & it & html "</table>") of concatenations of trs "class=%22res%22" of (td "class=%22res%22 nowrap" of name of computer of it & td "class=%22res%22" of name of fixlet of it & td "class=%22res%22" of (if (exists source release date of fixlet of it) then ((year of it as string & "/" & month of it as two digits & "/" & day_of_month of it as two digits) of source release date of fixlet of it) else ("Unspecified")) & td "class=%22res%22" of (if (source severity of fixlet of it as lowercase = "<unspecified>") then ("Unspecified") else (source severity of fixlet of it)) & td "class=%22res%22 nowrap" of ((year of it as string & "/" & month of it as two digits & "/" & day_of_month of it as two digits) of date (local time zone) of it & " " & (two digit hour of it as string & ":" & two digit minute of it as string & ":" & two digit second of it as string) of time (local time zone) of it) of last became nonrelevant of it) of results from (bes fixlets whose (name of it as lowercase contains "' + document.getElementById('fixletname').value.toLowerCase() + '" and display name of site of it contains "Patches for Windows" and fixlet flag of it = true)) whose (exists last became relevant of it and relevant flag of it = false and ((date (local time zone) of last became nonrelevant of it) >=(((last 2 of first 5 of it & " " & first 2 of it as integer as month as three letters & " " & last 4 of it) of "' + document.getElementById('start_date').value + '") as date)) and (date (local time zone) of last became nonrelevant of it) <=(((last 2 of first 5 of it & " " & first 2 of it as integer as month as three letters & " " & last 4 of it) of "' + document.getElementById('end_date').value + '") as date)) of members of bes computer groups whose (name of it = "' + document.getElementById('groupName').value + '")';

Entire Report code:

Fixlet Fix Date by Computer Group with Date and Fixlet Name Search
Please see the BigFix Forum for information on this report
<style type="text/css">
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	#CalendarControlIFrame {
	display: none;
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<h3>Select Printable Version on left for printing</h3>
<table class="stats">
		<td class="userinput" >
		<td class="userinput">
			<select id = "groupName" name = "groupName" size = "1">
				<option value = "default" selected = "true" style = "background-color: #532900; color: white;" > --Select Computer Group-- </option>
				<?relevance (html "<option value=%22" & it & html "%22>" & it & html "</options>") of names of bes computer groups ?>
		<td class="userinput">
			<input type='button' onclick='search()' value='Generate Report'/>
		<td class="userinput" >
				Fixlet Name:
		<td colspan=2 class="userinput">
			<input type="text" id="fixletname" name="fixletname" style="width:100%">
				<td colspan="3">
				<table class="date">
				<td class="dateleft">Fix Date between:</td><td class="dateright"><input id="start_date" name="start_date" onfocus="showCalendarControl(this);" type="text"> (MM-DD-YYYY)</td>
				<td class="dateleft">and:</td><td class="dateright"><input id="end_date" name="end_date" onfocus="showCalendarControl(this);" type="text"> (MM-DD-YYYY)</td>
				<hr />
				<div id="resultsDiv">
				<script type="text/javascript">
				addEvent(window, "load", init_load);
				var divRes = document.getElementById('resultsDiv');
				var computerFilter;
				var res_count
				function search(){
				if (document.getElementById('groupName').value == 'default')
				{ = 'block';
				divRes.innerHTML = 'Please select a computer group.';
				else if (document.getElementById('start_date').value == '')
				{ = 'block';
				divRes.innerHTML = 'Please enter a start date.';
				else if (document.getElementById('end_date').value == '')
				{ = 'block';
				divRes.innerHTML = 'Please enter an end date.';
				} = 'block';
				divRes.innerHTML = 'Processing...';
	var relevance = '(html "<table id=%22resultsTable%22 class=%22sortable%22><tr class=%22res%22><th class=%22res%22>Computer</th><th class=%22res%22>Fixlet</th><th class=%22res%22 nowrap>Source Release Date</th><th class=%22res%22 nowrap>Source Severity</th><th class=%22res%22>Fix Date</th></tr>" & it & html "</table>") of concatenations of trs "class=%22res%22" of (td "class=%22res%22 nowrap" of name of computer of it & td "class=%22res%22" of name of fixlet of it & td "class=%22res%22" of (if (exists source release date of fixlet of it) then ((year of it as string & "/" & month of it as two digits & "/" & day_of_month of it as two digits) of source release date of fixlet of it) else ("Unspecified")) & td "class=%22res%22" of (if (source severity of fixlet of it as lowercase = "<unspecified>") then ("Unspecified") else (source severity of fixlet of it)) & td "class=%22res%22 nowrap" of ((year of it as string & "/" & month of it as two digits & "/" & day_of_month of it as two digits) of date (local time zone) of it & " " & (two digit hour of it as string & ":" & two digit minute of it as string & ":" & two digit second of it as string) of time (local time zone) of it) of last became nonrelevant of it) of results from (bes fixlets whose (name of it as lowercase contains "' + document.getElementById('fixletname').value.toLowerCase() + '" and display name of site of it contains "Patches for Windows" and fixlet flag of it = true)) whose (exists last became relevant of it and relevant flag of it = false and ((date (local time zone) of last became nonrelevant of it) >=(((last 2 of first 5 of it & " " & first 2 of it as integer as month as three letters & " " & last 4 of it) of "' + document.getElementById('start_date').value + '") as date)) and (date (local time zone) of last became nonrelevant of it) <=(((last 2 of first 5 of it & " " & first 2 of it as integer as month as three letters & " " & last 4 of it) of "' + document.getElementById('end_date').value + '") as date)) of members of bes computer groups whose (name of it = "' + document.getElementById('groupName').value + '")';
	strResponse = EvaluateRelevance(relevance);             
	divRes.innerHTML = strResponse;
	stripe('resultsTable', '#fff', '#E6E3E8');
	function init_load()
		// stripe('resultsTable', '#fff', '#E6E3E8');
		// sortables_init();
		var currentTime = new Date()
		var year = currentTime.getFullYear();
		var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1;	
		var day = currentTime.getDate();
		if (month < 10){
			month = "0" + month
		if (day < 10){
			day = "0" + day
		document.getElementById('end_date').value = month + '-' + day + '-' + year;
		document.getElementById('start_date').value = '01-01-2000';
	function sortables_init(){
	// Find all tables with class sortable and make them sortable
	if (!document.getElementsByTagName) 
	tbls = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
	for (ti = 0; ti < tbls.length; ti++) {
		thisTbl = tbls[ti];
		if (((' ' + thisTbl.className + ' ').indexOf("sortable") != -1) && ( {
		function ts_makeSortable(table){
		if (table.rows && table.rows.length > 0) {
		var firstRow = table.rows[0];
		if (!firstRow) 
		// We have a first row: assume it's the header, and make its contents clickable links
		for (var i = 0; i < firstRow.cells.length; i++) {
		var cell = firstRow.cells[i];
		var txt = ts_getInnerText(cell);
		cell.innerHTML = '<a href="#" class="sortheader" ' +
		'onclick="ts_resortTable(this, ' +
		i +
		');return false;">' +
		txt +
	'<span class="sortarrow">   </span></a>';
    function ts_getInnerText(el){
        if (typeof el == "string") 
            return el;
        if (typeof el == "undefined") {
            return el
        if (el.innerText) 
            return el.innerText; //Not needed but it is faster
        var str = "";
        var cs = el.childNodes;
        var l = cs.length;
        for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
            switch (cs[i].nodeType) {
                case 1: //ELEMENT_NODE
                    str += ts_getInnerText(cs[i]);
                case 3: //TEXT_NODE
                    str += cs[i].nodeValue;
        return str;
    function ts_resortTable(lnk, clid){
        // get the span
        var span;
        for (var ci = 0; ci < lnk.childNodes.length; ci++) {
            if (lnk.childNodes[ci].tagName && lnk.childNodes[ci].tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span') 
                span = lnk.childNodes[ci];
        var spantext = ts_getInnerText(span);
        var td = lnk.parentNode;
        var column = clid || td.cellIndex;
        var table = getParent(td, 'TABLE');
        // Work out a type for the column
        if (table.rows.length <= 1) 
        var itm = ts_getInnerText(table.rows[1].cells[column]);
        sortfn = ts_sort_caseinsensitive;
        if (itm.match(/^\d\d[\/-]\d\d[\/-]\d\d\d\d$/)) 
            sortfn = ts_sort_date;
        if (itm.match(/^\d\d[\/-]\d\d[\/-]\d\d$/)) 
            sortfn = ts_sort_date;
        if (itm.match(/^[ $]/)) 
            sortfn = ts_sort_currency;
        if (itm.match(/^[\d\.]+$/)) 
            sortfn = ts_sort_numeric;
        SORT_COLUMN_INDEX = column;
        var firstRow = new Array();
        var newRows = new Array();
        for (i = 0; i < table.rows[0].length; i++) {
            firstRow[i] = table.rows[0][i];
        for (j = 1; j < table.rows.length; j++) {
            newRows[j - 1] = table.rows[j];
        if (span.getAttribute("sortdir") == 'down') {
            ARROW = ' <img src="/images/besreports/ENU/maximizebutton1.gif" border="0" height="12" width="15" alt="">';
            span.setAttribute('sortdir', 'up');
        else {
            ARROW = ' <img src="/images/besreports/ENU/minimizebutton1.gif" border="0" height="12" width="15" alt="">';
            span.setAttribute('sortdir', 'down');
        // We appendChild rows that already exist to the tbody, so it moves them rather than creating new ones
        // don't do sortbottom rows
        for (i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++) {
            if (!newRows[i].className || (newRows[i].className && (newRows[i].className.indexOf('sortbottom') == -1))) {
                if (i % 2 > 0) 
                    newRows[i].className = 'wr_oddRow';
                    newRows[i].className = 'wr_evenRow';
        // do sortbottom rows only
        for (i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++) {
            if (newRows[i].className && (newRows[i].className.indexOf('sortbottom') != -1)) 
        // Delete any other arrows there may be showing
        var allspans = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
        for (var ci = 0; ci < allspans.length; ci++) {
            if (allspans[ci].className == 'sortarrow') {
                if (getParent(allspans[ci], "table") == getParent(lnk, "table")) { // in the same table as us?
                    allspans[ci].innerHTML = '   ';
        // adds up/down arrow to the column header 
        span.innerHTML = ARROW;
// Make zebra stripes in table
stripe('resultsTable', '#fff', '#E6E3E8');
    function getParent(el, pTagName){
        if (el == null) 
            return null;
            if (el.nodeType == 1 && el.tagName.toLowerCase() == pTagName.toLowerCase()) // Gecko bug, supposed to be uppercase
                return el;
                return getParent(el.parentNode, pTagName);
    function ts_sort_date(a, b){
        // y2k notes: two digit years less than 50 are treated as 20XX, greater than 50 are treated as 19XX
        aa = ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
        bb = ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
        if (aa.length == 10) {
            dt1 = aa.substr(6, 4) + aa.substr(3, 2) + aa.substr(0, 2);
        else {
            yr = aa.substr(6, 2);
            if (parseInt(yr) < 50) {
                yr = '20' + yr;
            else {
                yr = '19' + yr;
            dt1 = yr + aa.substr(3, 2) + aa.substr(0, 2);
        if (bb.length == 10) {
            dt2 = bb.substr(6, 4) + bb.substr(3, 2) + bb.substr(0, 2);
        else {
            yr = bb.substr(6, 2);
            if (parseInt(yr) < 50) {
                yr = '20' + yr;
            else {
                yr = '19' + yr;
            dt2 = yr + bb.substr(3, 2) + bb.substr(0, 2);
        if (dt1 == dt2) 
            return 0;
        if (dt1 < dt2) 
            return -1;
        return 1;
    function ts_sort_currency(a, b){
        aa = ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '');
        bb = ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '');
        return parseFloat(aa) - parseFloat(bb);
    function ts_sort_numeric(a, b){
        aa = parseFloat(ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]));
        if (isNaN(aa)) 
            aa = 0;
        bb = parseFloat(ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]));
        if (isNaN(bb)) 
            bb = 0;
        return aa - bb;
    function ts_sort_caseinsensitive(a, b){
        aa = ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).toLowerCase();
        bb = ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).toLowerCase();
        if (aa == bb) 
            return 0;
        if (aa < bb) 
            return -1;
        return 1;
    function ts_sort_default(a, b){
        aa = ts_getInnerText(a.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
        bb = ts_getInnerText(b.cells[SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
        if (aa == bb) 
            return 0;
        if (aa < bb) 
            return -1;
        return 1;
    function addEvent(elm, evType, fn, useCapture)// addEvent and removeEvent
    // cross-browser event handling for IE5+,  NS6 and Mozilla
    // By Scott Andrew
        if (elm.addEventListener) {
            elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture);
            return true;
            if (elm.attachEvent) {
                var r = elm.attachEvent("on" + evType, fn);
                return r;
            else {
                alert("Handler could not be removed");
// this function is needed to work around 
// a bug in IE related to element attributes
function hasClass(obj) {
var result = false;
if (obj.getAttributeNode("class") != null) {
    result = obj.getAttributeNode("class").value;
return result;
function stripe(id) {
// the flag we'll use to keep track of 
// whether the current row is odd or even
var even = false;
// if arguments are provided to specify the colours
// of the even & odd rows, then use the them;
// otherwise use the following defaults:
var evenColor = arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "#fff";
var oddColor = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : "#eee";
// obtain a reference to the desired table
// if no such table exists, abort
var table = document.getElementById(id);
if (! table) { return; }
// by definition, tables can have more than one tbody
// element, so we'll have to get the list of child
// <tbody>s 
var tbodies = table.getElementsByTagName("tbody");
// and iterate through them...
for (var h = 0; h < tbodies.length; h++) {
// find all the <tr> elements... 
 var trs = tbodies[h].getElementsByTagName("tr");
 // ... and iterate through them
 for (var i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
     // get all the cells in this row...
     var tds = trs[i].getElementsByTagName("td");
     // and iterate through them...
     for (var j = 0; j < tds.length; j++) {
       var mytd = tds[j]; =
           even ? evenColor : oddColor;
   // flip from odd to even, or vice-versa
   even =  ! even;

I would tend to use

name of site of it = "Enterprise Security"

not sure if it will fix your issue, that’s just my normal way of referencing sites (especially after that issue of the display name of Enterprise Security changing unexpectedly)

We attempted that approach as well, but still experiencing no results being returned. We are going to break down the relevance being used to see what we can uncover.

Are you sure you don’t have some corrupt endpoint or computer group in the environment that is causing the issue? I copy/pasted your report exactly as is and it was working fine for me (environment is on 10.0.1 as well).

1 Like

Not that we are aware of. We’ve attempted multiple groups from multiple sites. We will continue digging, but thank you very much for pulling the report into your environment and validating functionality.

What I would do is extract the runtime relevance clause, plug it into Presentation Debugger in the console and start peeling back off of it (remove the data first and just see the cross-referenced data; if that doesn’t work remove the results and leave the members of the group clause only; and so on). That should give you indication up-to what point your code is working and where the problem comes…

To retrieve the relevance just stick an alert clause with the relevance variable. Depending on how long it is and what browser you use you may need to try another browser (seen some browsers have limit on # characters within alert statement).

var relevance = ‘…’;
strResponse = EvaluateRelevance(relevance);

1 Like

We dug through the relevance and honestly can’t find anything outstanding. We took the same code from this site we posted earlier and created a new report in our Bigfix DEV env running the same version and it it worked without issue. I almost wondering if we are reaching some sort of timeout or bug in our prod env.

Looking at the change list from 10.0.1 -> 10.0.2 there are issues addressed with web reports -

Issue BFP-19262 - DA KB0085617 - On a Window system, where BigFix Root server and WebReports service 9.5.16 and 10.0.1 are running, there could be a lot of intra process connections in TIME_WAIT

Enabled webreports logs on both environments and nothing outstanding there. Both are similar in nature of showing the execution of the report. The hunt continues…