Bigfix Session Relevance Tester HTTPS Support


Bigfix Session Relevance Tester does not work with Bigfix 11 version. Bigfix 11 version does not support Webreports HTTP request. Bigfix Session relevance tester does not support HTTPS.

Any work arounds ???

Sagar D.

Does this posting help?

You could also use the Presentation Debugger feature ion the console as an alternate.

I must admit, it would be great if the session relevance tester was updated to support V11 as the inspector lookup feature the tool has is very useful. I do use it whenever I have to write/test session relelvance (still on v10 and no immediate plans to jump to v11 yet)

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I just learnt from a colleague that there is a later version of the session relevance tester that does work with the more recent Bigfix platform versions. The version in the Labs area that you get from a Google search isn’t the most current, and the util isn’t in the Tools section of the developer area. The URL for the 9.5.4 version that is working form my on v11 with SSL enabled is!/wiki/BigFix%20Wiki/page/Session%20Relevance%20Editor


Thanks, For the update. It is working fine with Ver. 11 now


Thanks Rob,

I’d been watching the tools area for an update to a useable version.

I develop quite a few custom reports & dashboards (and just answering ad-hoc queries) and the stand-alone session relevance tester is so much more useful than the console debug tool (although the console debug tool is better for formatting html output)