WebReport Filter to Find fixlet's created by whom

Is there anyway to find the Fixlet information who has created & when it was created by bigfix webreport.

There is no direct way in Webreport to have this information; however, you may leverage session relevance to obtain it and create your own custom report based on it.

//Session Relevance
(names of issuer of it, names of it, creation times of it) of bes fixlets

@vk.khurava , Thanks for the information sharing. If its possible can you help me out how to use session relevance.

Please refer to this post, it contain info on how to build custom reporting using session relevance.

To limit result to only fixlets, i.e exclude baselines, groups, analyses etc, this slightly modified session relelvance of the one @vk.khurava provided may offer a slight improvement.

(names of issuers of it, names of it, creation times of it) of bes fixlets whose (fixlet flag of it)


Hi @SLB ,

The information you provided i used it but it’s not working.

@Rishabh: you need to re-authenticate, your login session is expired.

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You could also try via the Session Relelvance Tester (my preferred tool to process session relevance) or if you are a console operator, the Presentation Debugger.

Thanks @SLB @vk.khurava for all your information it helped me alot. Now I’m able to get the information what I want.

Any suggestion or doc to deep dive into session relevance learning.

likewise is it a way to find the details of Task as we find out the fixlet details.

I used below condition to find the details but it’s not returning any details.
“(names of issuers of it, names of it, ) of bes tasks whose (tasks flag of it)”

Unfortunately there is no ‘task flag’ property. You can check which properties are valid for a ‘bes fixlet’ at https://developer.bigfix.com/relevance/reference/bes-fixlet.html

I think for tasks you’d have to use (not fixlet flag of it and not baseline flag of it)

@JasonWalker , It will a great help if you could provide me the full relevance condition for which i can pull out the Task information created by users.

I think I posted that already?

(names of issuers of it, names of it, creation times of it) of bes fixlets whose (not fixlet flag of it and not baseline flag of it)
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