BigFix Excel Connector

Hi everyone!

I have question about specification of BigFix Excel Connector.

I executed Query Wizard and create report of BES Computers. Then I showed Relevance Code.
I could show the code including bes property "<property name>".
Also I could show the code including bes property whose (name of it = "<property name>" and (item 0 of it = <property id> and item 1 of it = <property sub-id> and item 2 of it = 1) of id of it).

I can’t understand about these difference of relevance code involving bes property.
why it is occur these difference?
Please let me know.


Hi Lee Wei,
I’ve downloaded BigFix Excel Connector version 3.3.8, verified .Net Framework full is installed, when I run it I’m getting a message window “This setup requires the .NET Framework version 2.0. Please install the .Net Framework and run this setup again. The .Net Framework can be obtained from the web. Would you like to do this now?”

However .NET Framework version 2.0 has ended support long ago. As I understand it .Net Framework is the latest version and is compatible with .NET Framework 4.5.2, noted in the installation instructions. Am I missing something. Also, does the Excel Connector require any of the .Net Framework advanced services enabled?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.



Did you try turning on the .NET Framework 3.5 feature? It includes the runtimes for .NET 2.0 and 3.0

I’ve tried but I think it’s blocked. Correct me if I’m wrong but I was under the impression that apps written to .Net Framework versions 3.5 and lower will require version 3.5 to be installed, and apps written to .Net Framework version 4 or higher will need version 4 installed. Also, Change History for version, “(2017/05/04) Switched to .NET Framework 4.5.2 from 2.0”, so why would it be asking for version 2.0? I’m a bit confused.

It’s that highlighted checkbox at the top of your “Turn Windows Features on and off” screenshot, not the download file referenced in the installer.

This is the correct screenshot referenced in the installer.

This is what I have, so I still can’t understand why I’m still getting the window asking to install .Net Framework version 2.0.
.Net version.pdf (146.3 KB)

I’m facing same issue like Chi

Still asking for .Net 2.0 but even when installed the connector does not install

I am using Excel 2016 and cannot get this add-in to work. I checked my COM add-ins and it shows as loaded, but I cannot figure out to use it. How do I get the bigfix query wizard to come up?


A post was split to a new topic: Inventory - “Not Reported”