Analysis Time Reslts used to filter a report

I am trying to create a report that will show when a list of machines was patched with a Solaris CPU Patch bundle. I have an analysis that returns the time stamp associated with when _Last_Applied_CPU_Patch_SHA was last changed.

When I go into Web Reports, and try to filter on this analysis property, the comparison field gives choices as if this property was a text property, not a time property. (contains, does not contain, is, is not, starts with and ends with). I’d like to be able to filter the report and return results where this field falls within a range of dates.

Has anyone else had expeience with this type of problem, and if so, did you have any luck filtering based on a date range within Web Reports?


Hey Bob, good morning. I also ran into this frustrating limitation to Web Reports early on as well and feel your pain. You can view the thread here.

@AlanM explained this happens because unlike their internal properties, our analysis properties are coerced into strings before they are displayed in Web Reports.

Unfortunately @leewei mentioned that there are no current plans to fix this. As far as I understand the BigFix team seems to view Web Reports as a basic tool that will stay that way, and they leave it up to us to create more advanced reporting using the APIs if need be.

However, as you may know Lee also created the awesome Excel Connector which can connect via the API and pull back the data to Excel. I haven’t used it much yet but I have a feeling it will get your property properly formatted as a time object. So that may be an option for you.

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