A built in progress bar after taking action. Even if it isn’t really tracking the running process. Just a way to tell the user that an action is running. Something a lot snappier than what we have today. Yes, you can accomplish this via the msi switch /qb or writing some fancy powershell\vbscript. However, with session isolation on windows this isn’t very easy to standardize across different packages.
We use our Offer Menu as a software repository and the difference between an offer and postponed actions is very confusing to users.
@ne1 there is a progress bar componentis in the up coming WebUI along with a better interface for non BES admin/power users. I would recommend checking out the WebUI beta or contacting someone on the team (@AaronBauer).
Are you referring to a progress bar on the endpoint side, that tells the progress of installing a software package / patch? I don’t believe that is specifically part of the WebUI beta.
You can set a dialog that shows up on the endpoint while the action is running.
Yes the dialog works ok, adding just a simple progress bar to that dialog would be a big improvement. Even if it just looped, until the process it launched closes. The two most common questions we get from users is:
How can I tell the update\install I just accepted is running?
When do I know it completed?
We point users to the Progress tab in the Offer UI, but people often are confused on what the different status options mean.
The ClientUI will have action status indicated and completion is indicated. I believe Offers are included in that status page. Have you looked at the other tab of the ClientUI?
Yes you are correct, perhaps a little green status indicator next to the detailed status messages. A continuous loop while the action is downloading files\running\etc. Then a green or red status indicating it completed or failed.
The average user doesn’t now what most of the status messages mean. Which is why we often get those types of questions I mentioned in my previous post.
You could create a custom dashboard in the ClientUI to do a lot of that as you can create dynamic HTML that will update based on relevance you put in there.
I’m trying to locate the documentation for it (you may have more luck than I) or if someone knows where this documentation is? ( @sbl - do you know perchance? )