XP SP3 installs but doesn't report so

(imported topic written by bchase)

Hi Everyone,

I hope you can answer my question. I have been testing an XP SP3 install on some test machines. It appears that it installs with no problems, the little magnifying glass shows on the bottom right which is new in the service pack. When we right click on my computer it shows that it only has SP2 in the information tab. Also, SP3 does not show up in the add/remove programs like it should. It’s as if it isnt even installed but we know it is.

The custom constraints we used to push it were to have a popup message at the beginning, at the end, and randomize for 60 minutes. None of which should cause this.

Any ideas???

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey bchase,

We run the standard install so it should be the same if you run it from the commandline and if you run it through BigFix…

But I am wondering if you have restarted the system before you did these checks? The upgrade to XP SP3 will not be complete until the restart occurs (and you should restart as soon as possible to avoid problems with being ‘half-upgraded’)


(imported comment written by bchase)

Hi Ben, thanks for the reply. I have restarted these machines multiple times. Also I forgot to mention the machines become non-applicable after so I cannot retest on the same machines. Any other ideas?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

What happens when you take the same systems and you download and run the update manually?
