XML of an action

Hi! I’ve just exported an action in a XML file and I wanted to know what does this means:


It says the action expires in 2 days and 4 hours? What does each letter means? I couldn’t find any documentation about this


This is an ISO 8601 standard for time duration - see “Duration” at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601

Specifically for P2DT4H

‘P’ - this is a time period. The following string may be D for days, Y for years, M for Months (though BigFix may only support a subset, not sure we allow Years or Months)

2D - 2 Days

T - the following is a Time duration
4H - the duration is an additional 4 Hours

So this duration is 2 days + 4 Hours

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Thank you! Is it possible to specify a date instead of a duration?

Yes, there’s a different field you may use instead of “EndTimeLocalOffset”. Check the BES.XSD schema, I don’t recall the field name… I’ll be back at work tomorrow and can check the schema if you have difficulty finding it.