Anyone have any experience with UPS Worldship
The previous version of worldship installed fine via bigfix.
The new version installs fine if I run it manually in a command line / and or powershell window. But won’t install via a fixlet. UPS tech support is not helpful.
We have about 30 of these machines to get upgraded and would prefer an automated way to do it.
Also anyone have any experience automating the support utility?
What happens when you run it via BigFix? Does it create a log? Is there an exit code? Have you tried running it using psexec as LOCAL SYSTEM to simulate how BigFix installs it?
i had to do psexec with an admin account. I was not able to make it install with the system account. It fails not at the worldship level but another sub feature. UPS support was not able to help me either.
If it’s any consolation, from what I’ve read installing Worldship is a pain regardless of how you try to deploy it. I see complaints about it all the time in MSP forums.
I have used the ini file to install as fresh install it fails once it starts with SQL it fails. Particulary with system context. Not sure how to deploy it to large user group without fixing this… I am stuck…
You can. You just have to upload a password in a batch file execute it via bigfix that used psexec to install word ship. Then delete the batch file when done.