Work with fixlet ID in a custom report

I just got stuck in webreports while trying to work with the fixlet ID. For example getting the source id of the fixlet works fine:
(if (exists source id of it and source id of it as trimmed string != "") then concatenation "," of (substrings separated by ";" of source id of it) else "no patch name provided"),

but using “id of it” to get the fixlet ID doesnt:
(if (exists id of it and id of it as trimmed string != "") then id of it else "no id provided"),

As I had a look in the reference i thought it should work ?

Are you getting an error message (my guess would be “incompatible types”)? With an if-then-else, the “then” and “else” must give the same type. A fixlet ID is an integer, but your “else” had a string.

Try ‘then id of it as string else “no id”’

Thanks very much, that was my mistake. This way it works fine:

(if (exists id of it and id of it != 0) then id of it as string else "no id provided")